Giantsheel Mountains Geographic Location in Nexus | World Anvil
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Giantsheel Mountains

The Giantsheel Mountains are located to the southeast of the city of Inkhear and have play a key part in Nexus history even before the Kingdom of Lothal was founded. It is beneath this mountain that Urthemiel, the Destroyer, was sealed away during the ancient Dawn War between deities and primordials. Should the seal ever be broken and Urthemiel awakened, the Giantsheel Mountains would be the first thing the Destroyer would obliterate as he freed himself from his prison.   In modern times, adventurers would commonly travel to the mountains in search of wild wyverns, or more specifically wyvern eggs. While killing wyverns nets a bounty from the Adventurer's Guild, the Wyvern Knights offer a more lucrative reward for eggs that they can hatch and train into mounts for their fighting force.   Near the top of the tallest mountain sits a shrine to Stronmaus, the Storm Lord. Here the giant god accepts offerings of dragon remains and rewards dragonslayers with magic items for their deeds. The mountains were evidentally once the site of battle between dragons and giants, as their ancient bones can be found buried deep beneath the mountains snow and ice to this day.   It is also the former site of a shrine to The Raven Queen, Goddess of Fate & Death. It was at this shrine that the Headhunters met Skein, Priestess of the Raven Queen, and received a blessing that later revived Hugh Morris from death. This shrine was destroyed and dismantled piece by piece by the Morlocks when they arrived to build the Gravecannon atop the mountain, a carefully calculated move by Skein that cost the Morlocks precious time and prevented them from firing the Gravecannon at Inkhear before being stopped by the Headhunters.
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