Lothal Geographic Location in Nexus | World Anvil
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Formerly an area of untamed wilds with no official name, the Kingdom of Lothal sits on the northwestern corner of its home continent.   A budding nation at merely 50 years of age, its people are proud and strong with most of them having fled to the area to escape from persecution from other nearby nations that are less open minded and ruled by despots. Lothal is even more rife with randomly occurring portals than usual for Nexus, causing many otherworldly creatures to wander the land. As such, the local Adventurer's Guild spends much of their time hunting down invasive predators.   What is unknown to most is that a great evil has slept under Lothal since the end of the Dawn War, the legendary battle between gods and primordials. Urthemiel, the Destroyer, sleeps beneath Lothal's Giantsheel Mountains, the seal on it slowly weakening until the day the apocalyptic monster will once again be free to wreck havoc.
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