Corvid Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Corvid is the son of the late adventurer Kiri and nephew of Chigiri. Shortly after the death of his father, Corvid accepted an offer from The Raven Queen to avenge his dad and was taken to the Shadowfell. The passage of time was altered by a sphinx in The Raven Queen's service, allowing Corvid to undergo years of training while mere days passed on Nexus. He joined the Headhunters wielding his father's old weapon as a hexblade, briefly assisting his uncle Chigiri in collecting the remainder of their village's legendary 7 Swords before returning to the Shadowfell to complete his training.   Table of Contents


They Grow Up So Fast

When Kiri died, Corvid was only a small boy but old enough to understand what had happened. He received the news of his father's death from his uncle Chigiri, who left Kiri's bonesaw weapon with the young boy as a keepsake. That night, Corvid dreamed of a talking bird that offered him a way to strike back at those who had taken his father from him. He agreed and awoke to find himself in the Shadowfell where his training under The Raven Queen's shadar-kai warriors began.   A sphinx in The Raven Queen's used its power over time to create a demiplane where time passed more quickly for the young Corvid to train in, allowing him to gain a decade worth of experience in mere days. To aid him in his endeavor, The Raven Queen transformed his father's old bonesaw into a hexblade that Corvid learned to wield as his primary weapon. In that time, Corvid's shadar-kai informed him of his uncle Chigiri's quest to obtain the 7 Swords for the purpose to destroying his father's murderer. Corvid begged permission to aid his uncle (partially to help avenge his father and partially as an escape from the shadar-kai's training from hell) and was granted leave.  

Joining the Headhunters

Though Corvid was wearing a disguise and now 10 years older, Chigiri recognized his nephew and the bonesaw he carried when Corvid approached the Headhunters. Corvid gave a loose explanation of what had happened to him and the group, recently deprived of their friend Artie in the Battle of Inkhear, readily accepted him into their ranks. Their first stop was Stronmaus' shrine in the Giantsheel Mountains. On the way up, Corvid panicked a bit and requested they steer clear of The Raven Queen's shrine, fearing that getting too close would get her attention and have him sent back to his hellish training. After offering dragon bones from a green dragon Chigiri had killed and receiving the 2nd Lightning Kopesh, the group headed west to follow up a lead about a mysterious information broker who might be able to help them find the remaining swords.  

In the Spooky Swamp

The Headhunters needed passage to the Black Isles but found none of the locals were willing to take their boats anywhere near it. Luckily, the group found a non-local who happened to be in the area that was willing to get them close enough to travel the rest of the way in rowboats. Arriving on the shore of the fog-covered swamp, a path through the fog began to clear for them and the adventurers began making their way towards the heart of the central isle. While walking, Corvid stuck his head in the water near the path and saw that it was much deeper than it appeared. He also spotted the shadow of a massive creature swimming under the water, surmizing that the water here was somehow connected to the water in the Shadowfell.   A little further down the path, they saw a troll moving slowly and carefully through the water. Eager to put his training to the test, Corvid attacked the troll but it began to panic and attempted to flee rather than fighting back. The reason for this soon became clear as the troll blood in the water attracted the creature Corvid had seen before, which resembled a massive eel and was large enough that it swallowed the troll in one bite before disappearing back beneath the swamp. Corvid attempted to speak with the aquatic creature, which promptly ignored him while he suggested to the rest of the group that they stick to the path and stay out of the water.   They eventually came to a mansion in the center of the island, being ushered inside by a hunchbacked man who led them to wait in a dining room. After a brief period, the information broker they were searching for entered: Lady Kemlar. Corvid sensed an immense amount of danger radiating from this woman and decided his best course of action was to keep his mouth shut and remain unnoticed, allowing his companions to do the talking. Chigiri was able to acquire another of the 7 Swords, the Dusk Dagger, from her while Hugh Morris bartered for information on another of the swords. Once the negotiations were complete, the group left with haste and teleported to a village near the location of the next sword.  

The Water Temple & Departure

Heading to the nearby Resort Town, the group met with Mayor Henry Fawkes who went from jolly to panicking when they dropped Lady Kemlar's name. The mayor knew where the sword was located, an underwater temple in the lake, but admitted it had been recently taken over by monsters. He offered to pay the group to clear out the monsters, along with them keeping the sword and anything else valuable they found inside. And so the Headhunters made their way to the temple, battling their way inside past merrow guards until they found their way to the throne room.   Sitting atop the throne was a sea fury, who instantly recognized Hugh Morris as the man who had killed her sister. Though Corvid and Chigiri tried to save him, Hugh did not survive the sea fury's wrath, though they did manage to put the sea witch down after Hugh's demise. Collecting the sword and Hugh's remains, they returned to the guildhall where Guildmaster Nergalee could reincarnate Hugh back to life.   While Hugh was being revived and Chigiri learned a few new things about the 7 Swords, Corvid was given a letter by The Goose. He had been summoned by The Raven Queen to return to Shadowfell and complete his training, much to his horror. With a pale face, he bid goodbye to his uncle and new friends before returning to his shadar-kai teacher.
Current Status
Working alongside The Raven Queen's shadar-kai warriors
Aligned Organization
Magic Items
Bonesaw (hexblade)
Green Dragon Scale Mail
Killskull Longbow


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