Cordelia Riversong, the Alu-fiend Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Cordelia Riversong, the Alu-fiend

Posing as a tiefling, Cordelia is in fact an alu-fiend, someone with mortal and fiend parents where the mortal side is stronger. In Cordelia's case, her mother's human half won out over the blood of her father Orcus, Demon Lord of the Undead. Orcus has sired many children to serve as pawns in his dark plans and considers Cordelia a failure. To say the two do not get along would be an understatement. Cordelia has dedicated herself to thwarting her father's plans however she can, most commonly by slaying her siblings that were considered successes in Orcus' eyes. She came to Lothal to destroy her brother Mesogog, stuck around to assist in defeating Levira, and decided to make a home there in the wake of Levira's downfall.   Table of Contents


Coming to Lothal

After hunting down a cell of the Cult of Orcus and interrogating some of its members, Cordelia learned of Mesogog's imprisonment in Lothal. It quickly became apparent that his imprisonment, and even his existence, was not common knowledge. Needing more resources to operate in the area, she joined the Adventurer's Guild. Cordelia accepted quests that sent her to the far corners of the country, allowing her to search everywhere for clues.   In time, she rose through the guild's ranks to become a Silver-ranked adventurer. Her wings made Cordelia a valuable asset to the guild, allowing her to take to the skies without the aid of a flying mount or magic. She played to this skill by often going on scouting or search-and-rescue assignments, using the search areas to look for clues about Mesogog. She eventually found what she was looking for during her first run-in with Levira.  

New Friends at the Guild

After stopping one of Levira's early attempts at bringing Void Beasts to Lothal, Cordelia made sure to keep an eye out for the dark elf. They didn't meet again until Cordelia joined the Headhunters to investigate an orc sighting. Levira ambushed the adventurers outside the orc's cave hideout with a troop of Shadow Skulls. While Kiri distracted Levira, Cordelia empowered her natural magic with Hugh's Gravestone to teleport the rest of the party to safety (and immediately vomited from the effort).   Shortly thereafter, Cordelia was introduced to the Headhunters other friends and began adventuring with Leliana and Mira on occasion. After Kiri's encounter with a Fate Eater turned him from a nimble monk into a hulking barbarian, Cordelia and Kiri began training together regularly. She was also present when Kiri ate a Gravestone and worsened the curse Levira had put on him.  

Following Levira

While in the capital checking the port for foreign news with Mira, Cordelia spotted Levira and sent a letter to the Headhunters for aid. The two pursued Levira across the sea to a nearby island to keep an eye on the dark elf. In the process, the pair were chased by the local dinosaurs and separated. Cordelia tried to find Mira from the air but the foliage made it impossible. When she spotted the Headhunters arriving on the beach, she landed and joined up with them.   Cordelia filled her friends in on the local predators and they traveled on foot to avoid aggressive, flying dinosaurs. When the party was attacked by the young green dragon Feyrbrand, Cordelia carried Hugh up the side of the steep cliffside hill where the dragon had made its lair while attacking it with rays of fire magic. Once the dragon was dead, she was able to safely scout the area from the sky.  

Cordelia's True Identity

Cordelia spent the rest of her time on the dinosaur island guarding Mira, who had feigned unconsciousness to divide the Headhunters party. She rejoined her friends at the beach to rescue Huntington from Moltor and Nadira, only to be caught just as off-guard as her companions when Mira revealed herself to be a traitor by murdering Huntington.   Back at the guildhall, Cordelia dealt with the stress of the incident by drinking herself into a stupor alongside Pryce. The two spent the night together and formed a budding friendship as she revealed her parentage to him in her drunkenness. Pryce convinced her that the Headhunters deserved to know as well and she privately confided in Hugh, being closer to him than the rest of the group.  

The Battle of Inkhear

When monsters from the Giantsheel Swamp were forced towards Inkhear, Cordelia was one of the first adventurers to counterattack. She flew above the battlefield carrying Pryce, who dropped fireballs on the invading trolls. When columns of smoke began to rise from Inkhear, Cordelia and Pryce flew back towards the guildhall and blasted the invaders along the way.   The two formed a barricade at the guildhall, using their magic to keep the invaders at bay and protect the civilian workers trapped inside. They gave the Headhunters a sit-rep after the group teleported to the guildhall and stayed behind to hold the line. Later, Cordelia led Dume and Commander Truestrike towards Mesogog's prison but arrived after the Morlocks had retreated.  

Ending the Threat

While Cordelia was present at the Battle of the Prizyrie Mountains, she was not directly involved in her brother Mesogog's destruction. Instead, she spent her time providing covering fire at a makeshift triage center and airlifting injured adventurers to safety.   When Levira's castle emerged from the ground, Cordelia accompanied the Headhunters in their assault against it. She used her magic and flaming greatsword to destroy many of Levira's minions, including the Void Beast Parzz'val. With Levira's threat ended, she left the castle with her friends and watched the sunset over the remains of their enemy's ruined fortress.  

After the Shadows Unleashed Campaign

Sometime after the Morlocks' demise, Cordelia left the Adventurer's Guild and joined Lothal's military as a member of the Wyvern Knights. Her budding relationship with Pryce also blossomed and the two married with Cordelia taking Pryce's name.
Current Status
Rising officer in the Wyvern Knights
Aligned Organization
Magic Items
Flame Tongue Greatsword

Character Portrait image: Amelia by Miguel Mercado


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