Ashes Archipelago Geographic Location in Nexus | World Anvil
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Ashes Archipelago

  The Ashes Archipelago sits west of the continent of Lhodos, the eastern most continent on Nexus by the reckoning of most world maps. In ancient times, the archdevil Moloch used Lhodos as a hiding place for his army while he made preparations for an attempted coup against Asmodeus. While waiting, his army pillaged the land and forced the mortals living their to flee to the islands to the west, earning the archipelago its current name as the winds blew the ashes of Lhodos' burned settlements across the area. Those who survived resettled there, staying clear of Lhodos for millennia out of fear that the devils still lurked there.   They eventually returned roughly 2,500 years ago after it became known that the devils were indeed gone and had been for some time, Moloch's traitorous forces having been destroyed by an army lead by Archduchess Glasya. Still, some remained in the Ashes Archipelgo which today has fallen under the control of the Church of Tiamat, worshipers of the Queen of Evil Dragons, who got their start around the same time others were beginning to migrate back to the continent. This was all thanks to the actions of a certain cleric who misunderstood Tiamat's role, though the modern followers are well aware of the Dragon Queen's true nature. Those who still live in the area but are not members of the Church of Tiamat are either morally questionable individuals who pay the Church tribute for protection & passage through their waters or those the Church does not allow to leave, tasks made easily enforceable thanks to the chromatic dragons supporting them.  

Adventures Ahoy Campaign

Roughly 2,500 years before current events, the Ashes Archipelago was plagued by the spelljammer pirate Captain Elgar and his Argus Pirates, who pillaged the area in an attempt to repair their damaged ship. This brought them into conflict with a group of adventurers known as the Venture Boys on several occasions, who eventually killed Captain Elgar and most of his officers. In the process, the teleportation beam of the spelljammer poked enough holes in the Great Barrier surrounding Nexus to dispel it and open the world up to interplanar travel once again.  

After the Quest for the Quintus Gems Campaign

The dragons of the Ashes Archipelgo were the only sizeable population of dragons that managed to survive the rampage of Marshall, cleric of Stronmaus the Storm Lord, as he went across Nexus gathering an army of giants and slaying every dragon he could find in the name of his god. This was largely thanks to the terrain, as most of the giants had no way to fight efficiently over water while the dragons could freely strike them from above, forcing Marshall to retreat after deciding his losses in taking this area would be too heavy to be worth it.


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