The Argus Pirates Organization in Nexus | World Anvil
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The Argus Pirates

The Argus Pirates were a crew of killers & thieves under the banner of Captain Elgar. A collection of monstrosities, they formed an alliance despite their differing races (and tendency to butt heads) for the sake of gold and glory. Flying through the Astral Plane in their spelljammer, the Jeweled Eye, they became stuck in Nexus' orbit after taking heavy damage in a botched attempt to seize the Venture. They sought supplies to repair their ship with members of their crew taking what they need from across the Ashes Archipelago with the assistance from their Gunker minions. And to get revenge on the Venture Boys for damaging their ship in the first place, a quest which ultimately led to most of their deaths.  


Elgar - Captain (deceased - killed by Vinnie Vice)
Mathayas - 1st Mate (deceased - killed by Althea Filanes)
Arachnor - Magic Officer (deceased - killed by Gibby)
Vrak - Pilot (deceased - killed by Gibby)
Gyaos - Scout (escaped to parts unknown)
Vypra - Spy (deceased - killed by Fast Jimmy)


The Vengeance Coven
Illicit, Pirate Crew

Character flag image: Jolly Beholder by ComfyCushion8


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