Mac Lendon Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Mac Lendon

Mac Lendon was a dwarven cleric of Tiamat with a skewed view of his deity. While he knew his goddess is imprisoned in the Nine Hells, he incorrectly believes she is guarding its gates to prevent devils from spreading their evil to other planes. He was also a prominent drinker due to his fear of traveling. Any sort of travel made him nervous and he finds that the best way to power through nervousness is with liquid courage.  

Time on Venture II

Mac met Vinnie Vice at Dwarftoberfest and the two became fast friends, sticking together as Vinnie tried to locate the Venture II to rejoin the crew. This ended up happening completely by accident and the two stumbled onto the ship late at night, the rest of the crew not even realizing they were drinking in the hold until several days later. The rest of the crew was a bit apprehensive about having a stranger aboard, but Captain Reynolds allowed him to stay seeing as they were at sea and on a schedule. Mac quickly proved his worth to the crew when the Venture II was attacked by Captain Xendros, using his magic to slay several Sea Devils and their sword-wielding monkeys.   The ship then continued on its trip to the Hercona Isles, delivering dwarven mead to a local festival. Mac was eager to attend the drinking and it was a fun time until an injured halfling walked into the event and collapsed dead. Wanting to know what happened, Mac and his friends went up the beach and found a deserted village and signs the residents had been abducted. They followed the trail to the sea and noticed lights flickering in the distance. Borrowing a few boats from the village, they rowed across the strait and Mac found several other boats buried in the sand and still wet. The trail continued and led into the jungle.   Finding a village of grung, they learned the local lizardfolk had come to the frogmen demanding sacrifices. Rather than turn over any of their own people, they took the halfling villagers and handed them over instead. Mac helped Althea guilt the grung into repenting and their elder led the party through the jungle, where Mac briefly tried to speak with a wyvern that had been hunting axe beaks. Mac summoned the spirits of dragons to his aid during the battle, felling many of the lizardfolk at their ziggurat before tracking them to their lair and engaging in a duel with the lizardfolk queen. Though Mac was defeated, he weakened his opponent enough that his comrades were able to finish off the cannibalistic queen.   Heading back home after dropping off the rescued villagers, the Venture II found itself in a thick fog and nearly plowed into a large ship. Boarding it to investigate, the party found it to be infested with undead that proved to be quite susceptible to Mac's holy magics. His radiant power proved particularly effective against the vampires commanding the ship, preventing their wounds from regenerating. Mac was the first to meet the vampirate captain and prepared for combat once he realized there would be no way to resolve the situation peacefully. His holy magics once again proved effective against the hoards of skeletons filling the hold as the party destroyed the last of the undead. Mac was the first to find the treasure in the hold and made evacuating it to the Venture II his priority.  

Departure and Death

Back in Allisyos, Mac had a strange dream one night instead of blacking out per usual. He received a vision from his goddess Tiamat, who informed him of a special mission. He was to meet several other followers of her faith and reclaim a holy site that had been disturbed by a servant of The Whispered One. She explained that with the barrier blocking Nexus from the Outer Planes now weakening (due to the Argus Pirates putting holes in it with the Jeweled Eyes' teleporter), it was time to begin increasing her influence on Nexus. But other gods were preparing to do the same and she would not allow any of them to hamper her.   Mac slipped away from the Venture II unnoticed, his friends believing he went off drinking and would be back like usual. He met several other followers of Tiamat in an old building that had a teleportation circle in the basement. Using a dark ritual to invoke the Dragon Queen's power, the group was teleported to tunnels connecting to a cavern containing a chromatic dragon's grave. The group made their way through the tunnels, finding more Tiamat worshippers dead and unmoving in several rooms. Mac failed to realize they were dead, thinking that each of them were sleeping off a stupor as he himself generally did each night. They eventually made their way to the central chamber where they found the intruder standing near the bones of a dragon and reading from a book: Lady Kemlar.   Lady Kemlar and her skull lord servant paid little heed to Mac and his allies until they insisted on bugging her. They quickly found her to be humorless and direct, as she unemotionally explained that she had attempted to broker a deal with Tiamat but they could not reach an accord. And so, Lady Kemlar decided to merely take what she wanted if the Dragon Queen was unwilling to barter for it. Mac and two of his three allies attacked, quickly finding themselves outmatched as Lady Kemlar used a whip made of shadows against them and set them ablaze with green, unholy fire.   Though they fought their hardest, Tiamat did not know the extent of Lady Kemlar's abilities and sent her followers in ill-prepared. The "follower" who did not fight was not a true believer in Tiamat but rather a mercenary with an education in history. This man was spared and employed by Lady Kemlar. The other followers who accompanied Mac were left in the river Styx upon their arrival in the Nine Hells, turned into lemures as they began their new lives as devils in Asmodeus' armies. But this fate would not be shared by Mac.   While Tiamat is not one for forgiveness or rewarding failure, she was nonetheless pleased with Mac for laying new roots for her church on the Hircona Isles. Thus, she had him plucked from the Styx and transformed into an abishai, joining her own devilish armies where he could serve his goddess for eternity.  

Tiamat's Top General

Mac served the Dragon Queen for millennia, having been made a red abishai general by the time Marshall declared war on her. Following the death of Arkhan the Cruel, Mac was promoted to Tiamat's top general. His first order of business was retrieving Arkhan's Obsidian Flint Dragon Plate armor and Fane-Eater battleaxe from the ruins of Arkhan's Tower. While Mac kept the armor as-is, Tiamat considered Fane-Eater to be an inferior weapon thats lack of strength partially contributed to Arkhan's death. She melted the weapon down with fire from her red dragon head, ordering it reforged into the Flail of Tiamat before returning it to Mac.
Current Status
Reincarnated as an abishai, serving as one of Tiamat's generals
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Lady Kemlar while defending a shrine to Tiamat
Aligned Organization
Magic Items
Flail of Tiamat
Gauntlets of Flaming Fury
Obsidian Flint Dragon Plate


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