Arkhan the Cruel Character in Nexus | World Anvil
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Arkhan the Cruel

Arkhan the Cruel was among the most devout and powerful of Tiamat's humanoid followers. The barbaric paladin once allied with a band of adventurers to stop a madman who had recovered the Hand of Vecna and used the artifact for its intended evil purposes. The group succeeded, only for Arkhan to betray his "comrades" by stealing the Hand, lopping his own left hand off to make room for it, and using its power to teleport away. Shortly thereafter, he rendezvoused with Krull who plane shifted the two to Tiamat's prison in Avernus.   Arkhan sought to use the Hand to free Tiamat from her prison, though the artifact was less than cooperative in the matter. Vecna, and by extension his hand, had no interest in seeing the Dragon Queen freed. While Arkhan struggled to make the Hand obey him, it slowly began to rot and decompose his body. Krull was able to slow this process, but it continued to plague Arkhan so long as the Hand of Vecna remained in his possession.   Arkhan had very nearly succeeded in his mission to free Tiamat when a team of mercenary adventurers interrupted him 3/5 of the way through the ritual after fighting their way up his tower. He attempted to bribe the adventurers into walking away, offering three times whatever his rival Marshall had offered them. When the adventurers revealed they had been hired by Lady Kemlar rather than Marshall, Arkhan quickly rescinded his offer and ordered his subordinates to attack, refusing to make any deal with people who were working for The Whispered One either directly or indirectly.   Arkhan and his inner circle quickly proved to be fearsome foes, working together to focus on a single targets and keep the adventurers locked down. Arkhan himself charged into the fray with his wicked battleaxe, attacking Tim the Great & Powerful after the warlock demonstrated himself as the most dangerous of the adventurers. As the battle raged on, he began to use the Hand of Vecna's magic as well, which caused Vecna to attempt to take control of Arkhan's body. This was very nearly successful when Tim counterspelled magic from the Hand, the disrupted magic allowing Vecna to start to seize control of Arkhan. But before this process could be completed, Mr. Hydration put an end to Arkhan by skewering the dragonborn with his glaive. With his last breath, Arkhan swore against the cruel fate that had befallen him, having survived battle with The Whispered One himself just to be done in by clueless mercenaries serving those same dark interests years later.   Some time after his death, Arkhan's body was recovered from the ruins of his tower by General Mac Lendon, who took Arkhan's battleaxe and armor for himself.
Circumstances of Death
Skewered by Mr. Hydration
Place of Death
Magic Items (former)
Fane-Eater (recovered by General Mac Lendon)
Hand of Vecna (taken by Lady Kemlar)
Obsidian Flint Dragon Plate (recovered by General Mac Lendon)

Character Portrait image: by David Sladek


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