Pools of the Seers


Waytravel to the Pools of the Seers

As you arrive through the waypoint a stalactite immediately impedes your view. Everywhere you turn, the stone formation reach down from the ceiling obstructing your sight and your movement. You have to duck to proceed, and before long you find yourself striding through ankle deep waters emitting a pale luminescence. Discs of water reach out like terraced steps leading deeper and deeper into this claustrophobic cave, and you can make out that some lead down into water filled chambers impossible large for how close they are in proximity to one another. Who knows what wonders remain to be discovered in the Pools of the Seers?   Tier IV Waypoint | The Iron Coin will not allow anyone through of 16th level or lower.

Pools of the Seers Solo Encounters

CR 3: Basilisk
CR 4: Drowned Assassin
CR 5: Water Elemental
CR 6: Kuo-Toa Archpriest
CR 7: Water Elemental Myrmidon
CR 8: Hydra
CR 9: Hydroloth
CR 10: Aboleth
CR 11: Morkoth
CR 12: Ironscale Hydra
CR 13: Storm Giant

Underwater Denizens

Creatures encountered within the Pools of the Seers have a swim speed of 30 feet if they do not possess a higher speed already, and the following abilities.
Amphibious. The creature can breathe air and water.
Bottom Treader. The creature takes no penalties to its movement or attacks underwater. It is immune to the effects of being underwater at a depth greater than 100 feet.
Aquasense. By sensing vibrations in the water, the creature possesses tremorsense out to a range of 100 feet while submerged. A creature with tremorsense can detect and pinpoint the origin of vibrations within a specific radius, provided that the creature and the source of the vibrations are in contact with the same ground or substance.

Above the surface of the water, while within the Pools of the Seers region, medium creatures can only move by squeezing and larger creatures cannot move at all. Below the water's surface, creatures of any size have enough room to move about unimpeded.

Natural Resources

Creatures inhabiting the Pools of the Seers are often mining Aquastone and may be carrying large amounts based on their size.
New World Harvesting Guide


Mostly used by sea and waterborne creatures to create their weapons and armors.
Unit value: 100 gp
Armor: Replaces the metal used in the armor's construction. While wearing a medium or heavy armor (non hide) made with aquastone, your speed while swimming increases by 10 feet.
Weapon: Any melee weapon or ammunition made with aquastone doesn't have disadvantage on attacks rolls for being made while underwater.

Pools of the Seers Special Encounters

  The following encounters appear only intermittently. When they have been slain, Notify a DM as they do not return automatically. The Astral Current, Descended Dothreegesh, and Grasping Maw return after a week, if Heiromachilaneus has not been slain. Heiromachilaneus never returns while any character which has previously slain him stands in his lair, nor will The Astral Current, Descended Dothreegesh, or Grasping Maw return to face one who has defeated Heiromachilaneus. For all others, Heiromachilaneus returns one week after it has last been slain.  

The Astral Current

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable?
CR 20: Leviathan Treasure Hoard Yes

Slayer(s) Date Slain

WANTED: The Astral Current   Additional details regarding this Leviathan.
  • Complete a difficult skill challenge to locate the warren of The Astral Current. This skill challenge must include at least one Constitution Saving Throw.
  • The Astral Current abhors those who do violence in its domain, those seeking to draw it out must complete three hard combat encounters to draw it towards them.
Encounter Notes
While submerged in water, The Astral Current is invisible and leaves no trace of its passing. Furthermore, its Tidal Wave ability moves away from The Astral Current in all directions simultaneously. Three rounds after The Astral Current is defeated, if Descended Dothreegesh has not been defeated in the last week, she arrives on the battlefield by way of Dimension Door, with an active Globe of Invulnerability, cast using her 8th level slot.

  • Coins: 31,000pp, 45,000gp
  • Gems: 7x 5000gp gems
  • Art Objects: None
  • Items: None

Descended Dothreegesh

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable?
CR 22: Mind Flayer Lich (Illithilich) Treasure Hoard Yes

Slayer(s) Date Slain

WANTED: Descended Dothreegesh   Additional details regarding this Illithilich.
  • Spend five Lore to learn of Descended Dothreegesh and her activities within the Pools of the Seers
  • Complete three difficult skill challenges, each involving one successful Stealth (Dexterity) check in order to reach Descended Dothreegesh's Hidden Sanctum unnoticed and slay her Flesh Golem Servant.
  • Any creature entering the Hidden Sanctum triggers an Alarm spell which will alert the Illithilich to the intruder's presence. The Illithilich arrives three rounds later by way of Dimension Door, with an active Globe of Invulnerability, cast using her 8th level slot. Only by slaying the flesh golem before it acts, without entering the Hidden Sanctum can the Illithilich be Surprised.
Encounter Notes
Descended Dothreegesh keeps her phylactery in a fully enclosed chamber deep within the Pools of the Seers with a flesh golem servant. The servant utilizes a Scrying Orb to keep track of the location of The Astral Current and Grasping Maw, so that Descended Dothreegesh can avoid them. If the servant observes either creature being slain, it will convey this information to Descended Dothreegesh. Three rounds after either The Astral Current or Grasping Maw are defeated, Descended Dothreegesh arrives on the battlefield by way of Dimension Door, with an active Globe of Invulnerability, cast using her 8th level slot. She can be convinced not to attack immediately if a character acts before her in initiative and succeeds on a DC 25 Charisma check, and may add their proficiency bonus in Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion. On a success, Descended Dothreegesh demands tribute in the form of a magical item of Rare rarity or higher, or a humanoid sacrifice with 12 Intelligence or more. Failure to offer either of these items before her next turn and any attempt to flee or attack her will result in her becoming hostile once more.


Grasping Maw

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable?
CR 23: Kraken Treasure Hoard Yes

Slayer(s) Date Slain

WANTED: Grasping Maw   Additional details regarding this Kraken.
  • Successfully complete three moderate skill challenges to activate the summoning horn. All three skill challenges must incorporate a successful Intelligence (History) check.
  • Defeat a deadly encounter so that Grasping Maw smells blood in the water and comes out to feed.
Encounter Notes
Grasping Maw only ever attacks through the narrow water filled passages between the larger chambers of the Pools of the Seers. Until it has been bloodied (reduced to less than half of its starting health), it is considered to have three quarters cover against all attacks, as only its tentacles are visible and their thrashing movements make them much harder to hit. Spells and abilities which circumvent partial cover are able to effect Grasping Maw normally. If an effect would deal half damage to Grasping Maw on a successful Dexterity Saving Throw, Grasping Maw instead takes no damage and only takes half damage upon failing the Saving Throw until it has been bloodied. Three rounds after Grasping Maw is defeated, if Descended Dothreegesh has not been defeated in the last week, she arrives on the battlefield by way of Dimension Door, with an active Globe of Invulnerability, cast using her 8th level slot.

  • Coins: 36,000pp, 45,000gp
  • Gems: None
  • Art Objects: None
  • Items: None

Heiromachilaneus, Guardian of the Gates

CR/Monster Reward Type Soloable?
CR 24: Ancient Gold Dragon Treasure Hoard Yes

Slayer(s) Date Slain

WANTED: Heiromachilaneus, Guardian of the Gates   Additional details regarding this Ancient Gold Dragon.
  • Heiromachilaneus is wary of all who would seek his prize. Complete a difficult skill challenge in which you must convince his equerry that your intentions are only for the greater good of the Cosmos. The skill challenge must incorporate a successful Persuasion or Deception check.
  • The path to Heiromachilaneus' lair is guarded by titanic beasts and powerful currents. To reach the Ancient Gold Dragon, an adventurer must first defeat either Grasping Maw or The Astral Current.
  • The gods themselves conspire to conceal the location of Heiromachilaneus' domain. Those seeking to reach the gates must sacrifice four Divine Favor to turn the eyes of the gods away.
Encounter Notes
Heiromachilaneus has Truesight out to a range of 120 feet, in addition to his other senses. Once per day, as a reaction taken at the start of another creature's turn, Heiromachilaneus can end the round and start their next turn. When Heiromachilaneus uses his Fire Breath action, he can choose to deal either Fire Damage or Acid Damage.


Easy Combat Encounter
1x CR6 Core Spawn Emissary
2x CR4 Two Helmed Horrors
3x CR3 Grell Coven

Medium Combat Encounter
1x CR8 Living Blade of Disaster
1x CR7 & 1x CR5 Oni and Mindwitness
2x CR6 Core Spawn Emissaries
3x CR4 Three Helmed Horrors

Hard Combat Encounter
1x CR10 Death Kiss
1x CR9 & 1x CR4 Abjurer and Helmed Horror
3x CR6 Core Spawn Emissaries
4x CR5 Mindwitnesses

Deadly Combat Encounter
1x CR13 Death Kiss
1x CR12 & 1x CR4 Arcanaloth and Helmed Horror
1x CR11 & 1x CR6 Dao and Core Spawn Emissary
2x CR9 Abjurer Twins
3x CR7 Oni Trio

Cave System
Location under