Session 123 - Estranged Report in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Session 123 - Estranged

General Summary

Our Misfits prepared for a showdown with the Stranger! Sasha and Hamilton stopped Yassen from charging in, which he surprisingly didn’t seem to mind. He insisted they needed to get rid of the dead weight in the group, looking at Angela. Finn agreed it would be best if she was taken through a tear like Vidar was, but before Yassen could take her, she asked to speak with Finn.
Angela told Finn about how she’d been remembering things from her past, and wondered if remembering everything was a good idea. Her reasoning was that she may have been a much different person before she lost her memories, so it’s impossible to know how she’ll change if she remembers everything. Finn told her he loved her, and the two parted ways.
Before Yassen left, he told the party to wait for his return, as they can’t do this without him. Of course, as soon as he left, the party charged inside.
They found the Stranger on a podium in a massive, circular room, holding 9 medallions. Above him was a large, glowing sphere and all around the room were Advanced Drones. He greeted the party, and they explained that they were there seeking the Queen, and to make him pay for his crimes. The Stranger insisted he did nothing wrong, and that he was simply providing a voice for the voiceless.
When Hamilton tried to reason with him, the Stranger said he “sounded just like him”. When the party brought up Johan's name, the Stranger became furious, and so the battle began.
Sasha and Finn stayed back, attacking the nearby Drones, while Hamilton used the advantage of having a medallion to focus on the Stranger. After scaring him with a couple shots near his head, Hamilton’s musket misfired, rendering it useless. He switched to the Cepharrian laser pistol, and fired a shot at the control panel.
The controls lit up and went slack, causing the robotic voice echoing around the chamber to speak out, saying something about “facility core detonation”. Sasha shot a couple arrows into the Stranger while he was recovering, knocking him off the podium.
Right at that moment, Yassen came running in, demanding answers. As he looked at Sasha, a Drone shot her unconscious. The Stranger was also rendered unconscious when a Drone attacked him on the ground.
Yassen announced he was making a tear for them to escape, and went about picking up Sasha. Finn went to the Stranger and, with the help of a Drone under Hamilton’s control, got him up and began taking him towards the tear. He also grabbed all 9 medallions.
Yassen took one last look back at the rest of the party, and told them that he wasn’t going to risk his life to save theirs. He stepped through the tear, as Hamilton struggled to reach it.
The Stranger stirred in his unconscious state and created a tear next to him, attempting to pry his way out of the Drone’s grasp. Finn saw an opportunity, and tackled the Stranger into the tear.
Hamilton looked to the tear Sasha and Yassen went through, then to the one Finn and the Stranger went through. As the facility began to collapse around him, Hamilton dove into the Stranger’s tear; into the unknown.

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
23 Jul 2022
Primary Location

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