Session 121 - Off the Rails Report in Nevurdul | World Anvil
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Session 121 - Off the Rails

General Summary

Our Misfits stood before the Man in Gray, now known to be Yassen Densharr! After recovering from the shock, Sasha unmasked him, revealing that his face was heavily-scarred and he had gone blind. The party agreed to release him, so long as he promised not to run.
Yassen set up camp so everyone could rest and began answering the party’s questions. He told them that he was taken by the bandits that attacked the Densharr Tribe, and was only saved by Gael much later. During that time, he suffered heavy injuries and infections, resulting in the loss of his vision. He claimed he didn’t recognize the party when they encountered him at the beginning of the Mines, and ultimately insisted that everything he was doing was for the sake of the family.
Everyone decided to get some rest after that. Yassen spent some time talking to Finn, revealing that his talk about family was nothing more than lies. Upset, Finn demanded that Yassen tell Sasha the truth after everyone rested, and he reluctantly agreed.
He walked over to Hamilton, who was still awake, researching his notes. The two talked about Hamilton’s morality, and the idea of redemption. Yassen asked him if he thought the Order resurrecting him was a good thing or a bad thing, and Hamilton said that he believed it to be a good thing, with all that he’s discovered since that day.
After that, everyone finally got some rest. When morning came, Sasha was awoken by Yassen trying to remove one of her knives. He stopped when she woke up, and asked if the two of them could talk alone.
Yassen admitted to Sasha that he had been testing her throughout all of their interactions, and finally told her what seemed to be the full truth. Sasha was upset about the deceit, but Yassen tried to brush it off and gather everyone together. Having had enough, Sasha shouted at her brother everything she was holding back. Yassen snapped back, telling Sasha to save her complaining until after they were out of the Mines.
With everyone gathered, Yassen explained the situation: The Stranger was taking Advanced Cepharrian Drones from below the Mines and supplying them to the bandits. Yassen proclaimed that this was where they would stop the Stranger once and for all. He also explained that the Stranger had a medallion, allowing him to take control of the Drones, just as Hamilton did with the Robot.
With no time to waste, everyone continued down the caverns, eventually coming to a large, stone platform. The party quickly discovered it moved down a track, descending diagonally into the Mines. As they began their descent, Cepharrian Scouts crawling along the cave walls took notice, and suddenly a massive swarm of them broke into the cave!
The party struggled to stay ahead of the swarm, losing large portions of the platform in the process. Hamilton broke off the control lever, and Finn had his leg shattered. Vidar fell off the platform as it began collapsing, forcing Sasha and Yassen to dive after him.
They found Vidar’s bloody, unconscious body at the bottom of the cavern. Yassen agreed to create a tear and take Vidar somewhere safe. He cast a spell on Sasha to grant her flight, and told her to go before the swarm caught up. He escaped into the tear with Vidar as Sasha caught up with the others.
The platform rocketed toward the end of the cavern, colliding violently with it. Hamilton, Finn, and Angela stumbled through the nearby door, with Sasha barely flying through as the swarm slammed into the stone wall.
As they recovered from the chase, Hamilton noticed his medallion vibrate. Before him, a large Cepharrian door opened as a robotic voice rang out:
“Welcome back, Councilmember. You are 22,976,441 rotations late for your scheduled meeting. Please report to the meeting chamber as soon as possible.”

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
02 Jul 2022
Primary Location

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