Galixaia Character in Nethdria | World Anvil


Goddess of Luck and Festivals

"Let me get my dice - of course I mean the sparkly ones!"   Galixaia, the celestial Goddess of Luck, Festivals, and the Reversal of Fortune, embodies the essence of capriciousness and revelry. Known as Lady Luck, she emanates an aura of playfulness and mischief, delighting in the unpredictable twists and turns of fate. Her presence brings about a sense of excitement and anticipation, drawing mortals and immortals alike into her vibrant and ever-changing sphere.   In appearance, Galixaia personifies the spirit of merriment. She is adorned with cascades of multicolored ribbons woven into her radiant orange hair, reflecting the kaleidoscope of possibilities that life presents. Her eyes sparkle with an enigmatic gleam, hinting at the unpredictable nature of luck itself. Her smile carries a mischievous charm as if she holds the secrets to serendipitous moments and fortuitous encounters.   Galixaia is revered as a popular goddess, celebrated for her association with festivals and the celebration of life's joys. Her devotees gather in exuberant gatherings, adorned in vibrant attire and masks, as they revel in the spirit of merriment and the anticipation of unexpected turns of fate. She encourages her followers to embrace the spontaneity of life, to relish in games of chance, and to find joy in the ever-changing tapestry of existence.   Fair play holds great importance to Galixaia. She favors those who engage in games and competitions with integrity, rewarding those who abide by the principles of fairness and honesty. Cheaters and those who seek to manipulate outcomes through deceit or malice earn her disdain. She believes that the true essence of luck lies in the interplay of chance and skill, and that a genuine reversal of fortune, even if it results in upheaval and negativity, can be seen as just if it is achieved through fair means.   As the sister of Selethis, the goddess of nature and the sun, and Ethilia, the goddess of art and fate, Galixaia forms a triad of celestial sisters. Each sister brings a distinct aspect to the tapestry of mortal existence, with Galixaia representing the whimsical nature of luck and the interplay of fortune and misfortune.

Divine Domains

Luck, fortune, festivals


The Festal Horn

A magnificent, gilded horn that reverberates with joyous melodies when played. Its dulcet tones spread waves of delight throughout the surrounding area, uplifting spirits and infusing festivities with an extra dose of merriment. The Festal Horn is a sacred artifact used during grand celebrations and festivals dedicated to Galixaia, invoking her presence and blessing the occasion with the essence of joy and playful revelry.

Divine Symbols & Sigils


Tenets of Faith

Good Spirits. Spread positivity and comfort wherever you find yourself.   Optimism. Always look for the silver lining in any situation.   Perseverance. You never know when the die shall be cast in your favor.   Peace. Violence and bloodshed are the gravest sins of all.   Community. Go where you are loved and love where you go.


Candle Festival

Also called Moonrise's Delight, this joyous celebration takes place on the eve of the first full moon of the year when the moon shines brightest. People gather in town squares adorned with vibrant lanterns and candles, creating a mesmerizing display of light. The festival is a time for offering gratitude to Galixaia for her blessings and seeking her favor for the year ahead. Attendees participate in lively games of chance, such as dice rolling, card games, and contests, with prizes bestowed to the luckiest winners. It is believed that the Goddess of Luck herself smiles upon the winners, guiding their fortune. The festival culminates in a grand procession, where participants carry lit candles, symbolizing the spark of fortune, and release them into the night sky as a collective wish for luck and prosperity.  

Solstice of Twinkling Stars

This grand celestial celebration takes place on the night of the summer solstice when the skies are adorned with countless shimmering stars. People gather in open fields, parks, or atop hills to witness the spectacle and partake in merriment. Music, dancing, and games of chance mark the festival. Revelers wear costumes adorned with sparkling stars and carry lanterns that cast a warm, golden glow. It is believed that during this auspicious night, Galixaia's influence is strongest, and prayers for luck and fortune are offered.  

Day of Surprises

Celebrated on the first day of spring, this holiday encourages acts of random kindness and unexpected generosity. People exchange small gifts or tokens of good luck with friends, family, and even strangers. The streets are filled with laughter and cheer as people engage in playful pranks and surprising gestures of goodwill. It is believed that by embracing the spirit of Galixaia's unpredictable nature, one can attract positive energies and experience fortunate turns of events throughout the year.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

She likes to wear her party dresses which are decorated and fancy dresses of vibrant colors, sometimes adorned with bells, ribbons, and masks that people wear at festivals.

Mental characteristics


Fudging the dice.


Family Ties

She is the daughter of Gaia and Muun.



Friend (Important)

Towards Heronis




Friend (Important)

Towards Galixaia



Relationship Reasoning

They share a common domain in games of chance.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

They both love getting together every now and then to play games and compete in recreational sport. Every few centuries, they'll invite the gods over to Heronis' realm to have their own festival.


Half-sister (Important)

Towards Galixaia




Half-sister (Important)

Towards Ethilia




Sister (Vital)

Towards Galixaia




Sister (Vital)

Towards Selethis



Divine Classification
Neutral Good
Ethilia (Half-sister)
Selethis (Sister)
Shoulder length. She likes different colors at different times, though she seems to be fond of orange and green, albeit never at the same time.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation