Mykros Character in Nascindor | World Anvil


One of the few S'aue who were built by the Logicians and is still active to this day, Mykros is the founder and CEO of Genesis Engines.

Construction and Servitude

Mykros was constructed in the depths of the Arcansea, in one of the humongous factories that the Logicians built in their cities. She, like all of the SAUE, was sent to the surface to labor and gather resources for her masters. She did this, according to her own testimony, for over two hundred years before a SAUE whose name even she cannot recall inspired his (or her?) compatriots to rise up against their oppressive overlords.
  During the revolt, Mykros was at the front lines, delivering violent justice to the mycelial slavedrivers that were the Logicians. She proudly claims that she personally took the lives of no less than seventy-six of the fungal despots and that she does not even entertain the idea of regretting what was done to their species. According to her, the S'aue did a humongous favor to Nascindor as a whole by destroying every last one of the Logicians.

Freedom and Enterprise

After the revolt had ended in the eradication of the Logicians, the S'aue were free but lost. Completely without a place to call home and no way to create more of themselves, their people were destined for a slow dwindling and eventual oblivion.
  Or so it was thought, before Mykros declared that she had taken with her the plans for the machines and tools the Logicians had used for the construction of SAUE, as well as the blueprints for their kind. For this, she was elevated to the status of a folk hero and it was her privilege to create the first free S'aue, in a small cobbled together workshop that would over time transform into what is now Genesis Engines.
  Having played her part for the betterment of her people, Mykros was content for a time. But her ambitious circuits could not rest, and when the S'aue Empire was founded and the Board of Directors appointed, she applied for a seat at the table and was promptly given one due to her contributions to the S'aue people. Now she is one of the most influential S'aue on the face of Nascindor, and the machine-men are eager to discover what her next move may be.

S'aue of Many Faces and Bodies

Mykros, after making contact with human delegations from the city-states, has become obsessed with the human visage. She finds human women enchanting to look at, and has manufactured for herself many a porcelain mask fashioned after the diplomats and friends who have visited her in her personal quarters atop the Genesis Engines complex. Other S'aue regard this obsession with mild amusement while most humans find the unmoving, perfect masks unsettling and uncanny to look upon.
  But faces are not the only thing that Mykros changes. She is among the very few in the entire S'aue Empire who replaces parts of herself to extend her lifespan. This is usually an extremely frowned upon practice as it is thought that, once S'aue deactivate due to malfunctioning parts, it is their duty to then become spare parts for the next generation of S'aue.
  This cycle is honored at all levels of S'aue society, and deviating from it is considered a transgression dire enough to warrant being made Deficient over. Mykros, however, purports herself to be vital to the S'aue Empire and therefore exempt from such rules, and the public agrees for the time being.
Your cheekbones are lovely, my dear. Would you take offense if I commissioned a mask of your face?
–Mykros to a scribe accompanying a visiting inventor from Onset-1
~200-250 years
Cables, managed
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'4 / 162cm
342lb / 155kg

Cover image: by Midjourney
Character Portrait image: by Midjourney


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