Nightmares Species in Namarie | World Anvil
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Strange things, horrifying to behold, but they aren't hunted by The Venator and they don't seem to dream... in alot of ways they're the truest natives of Kaechaek, shaped by the land, it's conflicts and it's influences. But they're still creepy as all hell.
  • A resident from Sanctuary reflects on the Nightmares that stay in the city.
  The Nightmares are a race uniquely born in Kaechaek in areas infused with the presence of The Nocta Mori. Uniquely gifted to survive the land, they are not affected by dreams and do not contribute to the war between The Quori and The Nocta Mori and they have resistance to a variety of different magical effects to protect their minds and senses.       However, being so heavily linked to the Nocta Mori has a dramatic impact on the appearance of a nightmare, with their humanoid forms, dark inky black skin and their lack of features, they often take on physical attributes matching the nightmarish section of the Nocta Mori that they are born from, larger and denser builds for those associated with the fear of drowning and crushing, longer, spindly features matching insects... etc. However, this link also represents the Nightmares greatest curse as they are unable to leave Kaechaek and it's dream covered lands.


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