Nahgia Geography in Nahgia
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  • Pentus Midlands
    This is the mid section of the second largest continent, Pentus. This is dominated by tropical forests and mountains. It's a very warm section around the equator, and acts as a land bridge between the north and south sections of Pentus. Control over this strategic passing has always been long contested by kingdoms over the years due to its value in controlling the trade between the north and south.
  • Soudier Tip
    This is the southern most point of the largest continent, the Maldeves. It's part of the southern section of that continent, known as the Tartiera Aggregate. It's dominated by ice and snow, with long bitter nights over half of the year, and slightly warmer day over the other half. There are a few settlements that manage to carve out a living despite the cold, but it's not an easy living.
  • Maldeve Peaks
    This is northern section of the Maldeve, the largest continent. It's very cold, and mostly dominated by ice and snow. It also has the longest continuous mountain range in the world. It's very harsh to live this far north, but it's not as far north as Rosewater. There are a few kingdoms that have been able to carve out a living in these barren icy wastelands.
  • Choridos Impass
    This is a part of the largest continent, the Maldeves. It connects the Soudier Tip to the Maldeve Deserts, and is part of the Tartiera Aggregate. There are a few forests that reach this far down, but it's also affected by the colder climate of the Soudier Tip.
  • Maldeve Forest
    This is the most forested section of the Northern Maldeves, the largest of the continents. Being quite a large continent, the climate varies from the snowy taiga to the north, to tropical weather further south. The eastern coast also experiences regular rainfall and rainforests, sustained by the sea currents and correlating wind currents. It's populated by a lot of dwarf and human kingdoms which have strong trading connections, but also the eastern-most reaches of the orc horde territories that plague much of the Northern Maldeves.
  • Southern Pentus
    This is the southern section of the second largest continent, Pentus. It is dominated by tropical forests, but also rainforests that curve along the eastern coast. In those rainforests are some of the most populous and profitable coastal cities, all part of the dragonborn kingdom Akabahputzuk.
  • Aggregate Valley
    This is a section of the largest continet, the Maldeves. It's the most eastern edge, and is also the most populated area of the Tartiera Aggregate. It's a rich hub of culture and trade. It's dominated with tropical forests and rainforests, though is also borders on the Maldeve deserts and the accompanying Orc Horde territories.
  • Maldeve Plains
    This is the most Eastern coast of the largest continent, the Maldeve. Its' terrain is mostly grasslands, shrublands, and savana, as well as a few forests further south. It also has many mountain ranges rich in valuable materials. There are many different kingdoms that interact within this area. It has a lot of racial diversity as well, resulting in very rich cultures.
  • Northern Pentus
    This is the north section of the second largest continent, Pentus. It's dominated by many forests, both of the temporate and tropical variety. It also recieves a large amount of rain and very modest seasonal variance. It's also more likely to be affected by typhoons and tornados and other natural disasters. The warm temperatures and abundant resources results in a lot of settlements, which can also result in a lot of conflict and competition for land
  • Nahgia Geographic Overview
    An overview of the world of Nahgia. It has a total of 5 continents, and several islands. The continents are known as Pentus, the Calgari Islands, the Maldeves, the Forgotten Plateau, And the Rosewaters. The Maldeves is also split into two parts; The north is known as the Northern Maldeves, and the south is the Tartiera Aggregate.
  • Rosewater
    This is one of the continents. It's the furthest north of all the continents, and is dominated by ice and tundra. It has very extreme seasons, with half of the year dominated by night and bitter cold, and half the year dominated by perpetual day, with slightly less cold. Despite the cold, there are a few pioneering individuals that have settled in the warmer, southern-most areas of the landmass.
  • Calgari Islands
    The Calgari Islands are just south of the continent of Pentus. For the most part, they are a lush temporate forest, with mild seasonal variance to allow for a summer and a winter timespan. The Calgari Islands are one of the smallest contenants, but is too large to be considered just an island. This is why it's called an island, and yet still gets counted as a continant in it's own right.
  • Maldeve Desert
    This is a stretch of desert across the centre of the largest continent, the Maldeves. It's dominated by savanna and sand dunes. It's also the stretch of land controlled by the Orc Hordes.
  • Forgotten Plateau
    The Forgotten Plateau is one of the 4 continents. It is very far south, and thus is very icy. The weather variation is quite extreme, with a tendancy for long winters with long nights, and very short summers. At the most southern points, it can stay in a perpetual winter night for half a year as it's tilted away from the sun, then the summer lasts the rest of the year in perpetual sun and slightly warmer day. The bitter cold is an extreme environment to live in, and thus the populations of settled peoples are smaller and prefer the more northern edges of the landmass. Some races are more able to cope with the extreme cold weather better, and set up nomadic tribes further south, but these are usually less than 100 strong, and very rare to encounter.