Trollibara Organization in Na'Endreth | World Anvil


Trollibara, is a very recent addition to the colleges of the Aeful Academy. With the increase in magical item bonding, and the application of crafts and science to magic itself the need for this school arose. The college is still finding its identity but it is currently composed of crafty, and artistic makers. The Headmistress of he college is fully unprepared for her responsibilities. As a fresh alumni she found herself taking charge of the college thanks to a collection of luck, and circumstance.   Trollibara are all over the place and fresh to the standards of the college. As such it is entirely composed of younger magic generations. Pretty much every one in this college works part time in addition to their academic path. Always busy and focused on the task at hand, their dedication makes the campus workplace never sleep.


The college is newly formed. Having only had a decade or so to exist they are still ironing out the kinks. Right now the 3 professors are taking in turns to share the work load of the head master.


Trollibara has a fresh culture. Many of them are stressed, panicked, and work focused. They don't know their place quiet yet and they are trying to figure that out. The college trades and shares its creations between its members creating a small economy of amateur venders and creators. Trollibara students are expected to be innovative and creative constantly and those who settle are often left in the dust.

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Educational, School/Academy
Parent Organization
Lady Ging Gananma
Prof. Ju'hog
Prof. Kerry Overrock
Prof. Leeroy Paulo
This article has no secrets.


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