Ponderix Organization in Na'Endreth | World Anvil


Ponderix is a college entrenched in the past. They spend most of their time researching and uncovering history. This is partially do to the obsession of the head master Sir Ivan Ponderix, a dragonborn bent on uncovering the secrets of his predicessors. The leader of Ponderix has remained passed down for generations tied to the ancient dragon of time Gorfall. Members of the Ponderix college are dreamers, and historians. Obsessed with the past and or the future.


Ponderix is run much like one would expect a normal academic college. The proffessors do what they can to learn at all costs. In addition the college opperates as a museum with students and faculty regularly going on trips to acquire artifacts of value for Aeful college.


Curiosity, and adventure lust are within the hearts of most Ponderix members. One is equally likely to find its members buried in ancient texts, as they are to be found off on an adventure. Ponderix members dont like sitting still. Unfortunetly these traits cause an exceptional rate of curses to populate the student body do to risky impulsive behavior. On the flip side older Ponderix have learned to be careful methodical and cautious individuals.

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Educational, School/Academy
Parent Organization
Sir Ivan Ponderix
Prof. Humphrey Barnswallow
Prof. Wrenivere Spaltender
Prof. Wrenon Igal
This article has no secrets.


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