The United Peoples of Eslaiqeza Organization in Myzelis | World Anvil

The United Peoples of Eslaiqeza

The United Peoples of Eslaiqeza is a democratic merchant republic spanning most of the habitable terrain on the landmass west of Gylidd. From the tip of the Tongue in the east to the spine of the Iddrich Mountains in the west, Eslaiqeza represents a diverse patchwork of climate, biomes, traditions, and peoples.


Eslaiqeza is mostly made up of lowland forests and plains, with three small mountain ranges. The natural elements of this at times industrious region have been largely preserved, with the bulk of mining and quarrying restricted to Pendlecrieg Mountain and most lumber coming from imports or limited logging to the south of the honorary capital, Illhum.

The mountain ranges are the Pallet Mountains to the far east of the region, solitary Pendlecrieg peak a little further west, and the Iddrich Mountains making up most of the western border of Eslaiqeza. The Pallet Mountains are the smallest of these ranges, and the one that has undergone the most transformative mining of any of the three. Due to the mountains’ proximity to densely populated areas, various paths and caves have been worked into the south and southwestern sides of its reach, making for easier travel. Pendlecrieg is the main mining mountain and it too has a number of tunnels dug through it for travel. It is only slightly larger than the Pallet Mountains. It also serves as the main pathway to the Underdark. The Iddrich is the largest and most untouched of the cliffs, only mined modestly for stone. The range is thought to act as a protective barrier separating the settled lands of Eslaiqeza from the Brume - and perhaps the remains of a beast of legend - depending on which Eslaiqi you ask. This mountain range also forms the Eslaiqi border to both Urvorsath and the Hlui, with only two mundane ways through: either around the southern end of the mountains or through a narrow pass known locally as the Dancer's Cut, guarded by the ancient citadel and town at Pentavess.

Temperatures are usually temperate across the region, with weather typically being somewhat dry in the summers as you go further north of the capital, while things get wetter the further south or east that you go. Winters commonly see snow, spring is full of plentiful rain showers, and fall is a reprieve of mostly mild, cloudy weather.


The United People of Eslaiqeza are ruled over by a governing council made up of Officials who represent the various interest groups of the region. Each major city has one to represent itself and the surrounding area. Most guilds, universities, and factions who operate within Eslaiqeza also have an Official to ensure their needs and desires are heard.

Representatives are chosen by their communities on a yearly basis, however it is known that most people who stand for election typically are the wealthiest of their communities, or run a major trading operation. Challengers to these incumbents have been known to put themselves forward, however the power and influence held by most incumbents usually helps to maintain their grip.

In addition to these representatives there are also a number of government minister positions voted on as necessary, with reconsiderations occurring every 2 years. These ministry positions serve the representatives, managing the finance, military, and agricultural needs of the region and typically work closely with Officials who produce the needs in question (the Finance Minister working with trade guilds, the Military Minister working with various smith unions and mercenary companies, and the Agricultural Minister working with cooperatives and farms across the region.

On a more local level the representatives act as mayor for their community, usually with a staff to manage the needs of the people who live in their elected region.

Regional Culture

  • Inhabitants are known as Eslaiqi (plural: Eslaiqi)
  • Generally speaking the lands of the United Peoples of Eslaiqeza (UPE) are cosmopolitan, made up of several of the cultures below and those abroad from across Myzelis.
  • Eslaiqi faith is usually that of one of the ~20 philosophies native to the nation, however given the worldly nature and approach to many aspects of life there, a few other faiths can be found taking root in some of the larger trading port towns.
  • Eslaiqi are known negotiators, hagglers, and socially-inclined individuals. A traveling merchant is the standard image brought to minds across Myzelis when thinking of an Eslaiqi citizen.
  • The overarching mindset of the Eslaiqi people is typically very forward-focused, prizing progress and advancement in the sciences, education, and aethrin welfare. Many do not have to worry about going without in the lands of the UPE, and that is how most wish to keep things. When someone is found without a home, they are pointed toward one of many shelters, if one is found without a job an effort is made to get them situated somewhere, if they are in need of food or water it is given, no questions asked. It is commonly seen as a communal failing if someone is to fall on hard times, and therefore it is up to the community to raise them back up.
  • Anywhere one travels in the lands of Eslaiqeza there is a robust tea culture that has bloomed from the many local varieties available to its citizens. Some prefer to make their tea with spices and milk, some only drink it cold, others go through elaborate rituals and traditions when serving and drinking tea.
  • Salt also has a culture of its own, ranging from the coarser seat salt of Pendlecrieg to the finer grains produced in Hyalma. It has taken on a culture similar to that of wine, with subtle flavors, textures, and aromas coming from different minute variations based on the specific region or origin. This variety and attention to quality has given rise to a profession of salt experts, known as selmelier.
  • Similarly there is a blooming hookah culture originating with the increased production of tobacco in the Flessen Hills, new intoxicants being tested and created in the capital of Illhum, and the number of other smokables coming in from across Myzelis.
Cultures of Eslaiqeza

The Dancery
The Elves of the Hlui
The Elementals of the Spires of Oen
The Hidden Folk of the Chiaroscuro Woods
The Underfolk of Pendlecrieg Mountain
Sametsuen Halfling Beach Community
The Adaptables of Grippreed Swamp
The Orcs of the Flessen Hills

Major Cities

A cosmopolitan and urban society, Eslaiqeza boasts a number of large cities, each with a vibrant and distinct aesthetic and culture.   Illhum, City of Innovation
The Tongue, Voice to the World
Hyalma, Pearl of the North
Ta Calpa, The Brim
Pendlecrieg, Gateway to Hidden Treasures
Urvorsath, Force of the Sea

The Road

Connecting the far flung and diverse reaches of Eslaiqeza is a great highway originally constructed during the Age of Stone. Known only as 'The Road', this arterial was built to last, and has been cooperatively maintained by the hardworking people of Eslaiqeza and their allies from the inner planes. Each stretch is adapted to the needs of the terrain, and locals take great pride in lending their particular expertise in drainage, safety, and even decoration. Over the long history of the region, new developments in travel technology have been integrated into the Road, the latest being the brilliant techno-magical invention known as the train. Powered with the aid of elementals, their speed and efficiency has reduced the minimum travel time between the eastern and western extremes to a matter of mere days rather than weeks.



Eslaiqi Common - The trade language for the entirety of the region and the language primarily spoken in Illhum. It takes its influence mostly from Elvish dialects, a bit of Sylvan and Primordial phraising and pronunciation, and borrows heavily from Gylidder.

Gylidder Common - Spoken more commonly in various trading ports and eastern regions of Eslaiqeza, Gylidder is the prominent dialect of Common spoken in the Tongue.

Naitë - Also known as Ancient Elvish or True Elvish the language of the elves has remained fairly unedited and unwavering in the eras since the world's creation. Originating from Sylvan, Eslaiqi Elvish is a very traditional, very old language spoken by many in the Western regions of Eslaiqeza where elves are most commonly found.

Sylvan - Spoken by the Fey and Elven populations of Eslaiqeza, it is commonly used as a marker of quality (Sylvan wines and jams being highly sought after by foreign nobles), and occasionally used by thieves guilds in the East of the region looking to outwit those who may have decoded the common form of Thieves Cant.

Tal’akhdir - While the Eslaiqi form of Orcish has remained quite connected to its original phrasing and structure, it has come to incorporate certain aspects of Primordial, specifically borrowing from Aquan and Terran, much as Eslaiqi Common has.

Primordial - The language of the Elemental Planes is the prevailing language of magic for many practicing wizards in the region. The Elemental Spires have maintained the raw translations for many decades and the has been kept consistent as dealings with beings from the various Elemental Planes are common to Eslaiqeza. Most speakers in the region sport an Aquan or Ignan accent or are most familiar those specific dialects.

Laut - A variant of Aquan originating in Urvosath, it is distinguished from pure Primordial by softer pronunciations and more active lip movements - making it easier to speak and understand underwater.

Aljuzae - Gnomish in Eslaiqeza is heavily influenced by the regional dialect of Undercommon and Terran Primordial, it takes a much flightier, softer tone approach to combining these two local influences.

Saghir - Sticking to its roots in Common, Eslaiqi Halfling remains similar to the language as spoken elsewhere in Myzelis while incorporating certain slang and shared words found in Primordial Aquan.

Siri - Largely spoken by the few underground communities of Eslaiqeza, it a mixture of the local Common, Elvish, and some small additions of Primordial Terran and is closer to a dialect of Common than a completely distinct language.



A variety of Eslaiqi goods, ranging from the mundane to the extraordinary, are known and prized the world over.
  • Tea (from the Flessen Hills and the Dancery)
  • Salt (distinct varieties originating from Illhum, Urvorsath, Pendlecrieg, Sametsuen, and Hyalma)
  • Iron
  • Tin
  • Steel
  • Cotton
  • Wool (the heritage sheep breeds of the Flessen Hills are known to produce particularly fine fleece)
  • Hemp
  • Coal
  • Citrus fruits
Notable luxury goods include
  • Fabric dyes (including Hyalma Purple - an unusual shade derived from a singular breed of snail, Eslaiqi Blue - made from finely-ground lapis lazuli)
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Exotic metals
  • Enameled goods
  • Designs for various complex metal works (transportation, armour, weapons, with a particularly fine trade in innovations related to firearms)
  • Wines (the best are labelled in Elven and Sylvan, and include varieties of fortified wine)
  • Spirits (best known are ouzo and grappa)
  • Coffee
  • Tobacco
  • Spices (brisk trade in peppercorns and cloves)
  • Olive oil
  • Pearls and abalone (harvested in the waters of Hyalma and the K'Richni Sea)
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Electrum
Eslaiqeza is also an exporter of a number of goods integral to various magical practices, and occasionally of local magical innovations
  • Spell-quality ink (produced using lapis lazuli, all ink suitable for magical transcription produced in Eslaiqeza is blue)
  • Petrified wood
  • Incense
  • Mithril
  • Jade
  • Elemental essences (only exported in small amounts)
  • Medical supplies
  • Automotive techonologies (incredibly limited and tightly controlled by the Blue Path)


As a rule, the Eslaiqi delight in trade and the fruit it bears in the form of fine goods and experiences
  • Gemstones
  • Silk
  • Furs
  • Sugar
  • Marble
  • Porcelain
  • Magical components derived from giants and dragons
  • Copper
  • Cocoa
  • Ale and beer (not traditionally produced anywhere in Eslaiqeza, the brewing of beer is slowly gaining appreciation and traction)

Formal Name
The United Peoples of Eslaiqeza
Form of Government
Merchant Democratic Republic

Geopolitical, Country


Relations between the two large democratic governments are likely to give birth to an alliance as both of the countries general culture share a multitude of similarities such as the rejection of Inaethri in their main religions and the value of common Aethrin Rights. They also share common goals and in trade can compliment each others needs as close partners, such as shipments of food to the Aredián in exchange for industrial goods and cash crop commodities that are common in the Aredián Sea but not in Esliqaza.


Although the governments and world views would mostly not gel with the people of Eslaiqeza and the IKF, trade would likely flow back and forth from them, and ambassadors from the IFK would ingratiate themselves with their fellow nobility even if the popular opinion may be negative.