Eslaiqeza Geographic Location in Myzelis | World Anvil


Eslaiqeza is a long, narrow landmass stretching some 2000 miles end to end, bisected by the low-lying Chiaroscuro Woods, which divide the Realm into two distinct regions. To the East lie expansive grasslands, lush temperate rainforests, and the area’s largest mountain range, the Iddrich. Population density is heaviest in these lands, with the capital of Illhum boasting over 700,000 inhabitants as of the most recent count. To the West of the Pendlecreig Mountains and great mining metropolis which gives the range its name, the landmass thins as it stretches toward Gylidd, squeezed between the Silwa and Arror Seas. Here, the climate is much wetter, with large stretches of marshy rainforest and other low-lying coastal biomes.   The variety of Eslaiqeza’s patchwork of climes and landscapes is outmatched only by the diversity of its inhabitants - alongside a native population largely comprised of elves, gnomes, and orcs, peoples originating all across Myzelis have made Eslaiqeza their home. The region is made even more colourful by notable communities of fair folk from the Feywild and elementals and genasi from the Elemental Planes, and waters home to many aquatic races, with merfolk, tortles, and lizardfolk having immigrated from neighbouring Urvosath.   A land rich in cultural diversity, Eslaiqeza is rich in material wealth as well, a cultural emphasis on trade, barter, and travel having built the region into one of the economic powerhouses of Myzelis. Much of this wide-ranging and varied trade is helmed by the famed Blue Path, a massive trading company with side interests in diplomatic and intelligence service to the global community of Myzelis.   Eslaiqis do things their own way, whether it be trade negotiation or tea preparation - their approach to matters of faith and divinity is no exception. While many faiths and religious practices have been imported to the area alongside robust trade, most native spirituality is channeled through philosophical teachings rather than the worship of specific Inaethri or Incari.


  • Eslaiqeza
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