The Republic of the Arediāna

The Arediāna Republic is a Democratic Parliamentary Republic with a semi-presidential system, where a President (Head of State) is elected by popular vote and wins by majority. A Primer (Head of Government) is elected through the vote of the legislature by a two-thirds majority, which if lead to a stalemate the candidates go to the ballots for a direct vote and are elected by majority. Both the President and the Primer split executive powers between each other and are answerable to the legislature which is known formally as the Senate Kaunihera (kuh-oon-e-hare-ra).
  Members of the legislature are elected through a two vote system, where electors get one vote for a representative of their district and one vote for an eligible political party for their region where if a party were to earn at least 5% of the vote, nominees in the party list would get elected. This often creates overhang seats, which is compensated for by adding seats for other parties to maintain proportionality as long as they had enough votes. They are elected as representatives of members of particular districts and islands, with the Nomadic Fleets voting in members corresponding with what fleet they belong to and not what region they're currently in. Presently there are 331 members of the Senate Kaunihera. Among the 156 district seats, there are 10 fleet seats meant for the nomadic flotillas, and there is 2 seats for each province meant for citizens with extreme longevity like Elves that can continue to be reelected with no term limit, making a total of 24.
  The judiciary power that keeps both the legislature and the executive powers in check is formally called the Aha no te Repupirita, or The Court of the Republic, which reviews the actions of members of the government and parliament and the laws passed by them if they follow the Constitution of 2163. They also have the power to put former and current members of the government on trial for any actions that could be deemed unconstitutional or deemed illegal by other laws of the state, or accused of gross negligence and misconduct and the power to prosecute them. They also have the power to review laws and declare those unconstitutional by the vote of the Court.

Peretiteni (President)

Teruru Te'ra: The Third Republic Party
Responsibilities of the President: Oversee Foreign Policy, Defense Policy, signing laws into effect and act as the face of the nation.
  Despite his high approval rating, many commentators have criticized Te'ra for what they see as a dangerous balancing act. On one hand, he has appealed to Union Hawks and interventionists by using the Expeditionary Fleet to take action against the CMP Junta in Northern Arenia. On the other hand, he has had to convince his allies in the SRP (Social Responsibility Party) that it was necessary to end the blockade of the peninsula. Some worry that this could backfire and create a political firestorm. Critics often accuse Te'ra of being an opportunistic "pirate," implying that he is compromising his party's ideals in order to gain support from the opposition in the Kaunihera.

Primeri (Prime Minister)

Julian Tassis Toro: The Third Republic Party
Responsibilities of the Primer: Oversee Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, and keeping the government running.
  Ms. Toro has been responsible for amending the Regular Trade Act to accommodate foreign firms like the Blue Path without compromising its measures to prevent corporate centralization of the myriad of different trading companies within national waters. However, she has caught a lot of flack from the opposition for her proposals to increase the maximum amount of immigrants that can move into the country yearly, opposition senators cite a myriad of reasons such as that it will stress an amidditly fragile food supply that is carefully calculated in order to meet population growth. Union Hawk senators in particular worry about demographic changes in politics, some more paranoid senators going so far as to claim that it will invite malicious actors from the mainland like Imperialists and Corporatists to manipulate the political system. The proposal unfortunately didn't pass, as it couldn't reach it's 2/3 majority required to change the immigration law.

Te Senate Kaunihera

The current roster of political parties is described below. The Third Republic Party is currently the majority party in the government allied with the Social Responsibility Party and Market Liberal Party. The Union Hawk party is the leader of the opposition in the parliament, allied with the Democratic Cicloist Party.
Name of Party and AcronymSeatsDescription
Third Republic Party (TRP) 127 TRP a center-left and leftist pragmatic party that was formed after the Empire turned Arediāna into a puppet state. Its main focus back then was opposition to the Arenian Empire, and it coordinated with different factions and parties to generate as much political and civil disobedience against the Empire as possible. Presently, the Third Republic Party continues to play its role in bringing together different political factions of the country to pass legislation aimed at improving the quality of life for the people. With regard to foreign policy, the party has historically tried to avoid conflict and has developed a dense strategy book to ensure that avoidable battles stay avoided. Some critics of the party have a problem with their typical strategy, seeing it as too weak-handed, while others see their lack of hesitation to use coercive methods, regardless of whether they involve the military or not, as a step too close to imperialism and that their advocacy for a unitary government is a step in the wrong direction.
Social Responsibility Party (SRP) 42 Leftist party formed around a platform of social progress, egalitarian domestic policy, keeping the economy sustainable, environmentalism, and anti-interventionism. The SRP are highly critical against the Republic's relationship with the Royal Karieban Federation and are staunchly against contracts made with any of the Puerto Esperanza corporations, especially the Dita Corporation. This is generally their attitude towards foreign policy, and are often criticized for having a lot of bark but not a lot of bite. Proponents for them however, argue that the attitude is a better approach to interacting with the modern world. Additionally, they're proponents of decentralizing the Republic government and are also centered around a platform of federalization rather than trying to draw the other regions into a unitary government.
Union Hawk Party (UHP) 91 Militaristic Syndicalist party that succeeded the insurgent organization, the Shipwrights Union, that ran a long dissident campaign against the Talarenian Empire that often times got violent, but were mostly involved sabotage and strikes. Union Hawks are often characterized as being economically on the left, but often hold conservative viewpoints on social issues and foreign policy. They're champions of the egalitarian policies that they have collaborated on with the SRP and TRP and the main advocates of the use and growth of the Expeditionary Fleet. However, they're influenced by an attitude towards foreigners that originate from pre-cicloist times, where all the islands were considered holy grounds that must be protected at all costs. Their version of the thought offers more leeway than what theocrats 1000's of years ago proposed, but still it often generates xenophobic attitudes at anything or anybody that looks like a threat and cause serious distrust with people who were a threat in the past. Lending to their pro-war position of direct confrontation with rival powers, rather than using less explosive methods. Critics of the party often call them paranoid and joke that to see one outside of the Kaunihera, they must be making their yearly trip outside of the panic room to make new enemies.
Home Democratic Party (HLP) 33 Center-Right party that was formed in the Republics early years as a response to the realm wide post-war depression that most people felt after the Great War. Formed from refugees and immigrants, the HLP run on a platform of wanting to reform the old world capitalism that world keeps on life support so that they can have better relations with the Corporate Redevelopment Council in Puerto Esperanza. Critics often call them naive about capitalism, which make them and the Union Hawks uncomfortable bed fellows. The common ground they have is being pro-interventionist as the immigrants who vote for the party would like to see the governments of their home changed for the better.
Market Liberal Party (MLP) 28 Right Wing Party that believes the Republic should liberalize even more of the nations resources for private enterprise to increase industrial output and amend the Regular Trade Act to facilitate larger companies in order to increase productivity to it's fullest extent. Market Liberals run on a platform of promising making life more luxurious for the average citizen, and giving the nation an economy so powerful that a military would only be needed as a failsafe. They're most controversial goal is to privatise the national logistics and trade companies into a mega corporation that could facilitate the intense growth of the economy that would result from their policies. For most citizens, this would be a very uncomfortable amount of power to a singular trade company and the implication of inviting corproate investment from Puerto Esperanza makes it doubly so. As a result they are the least popular major party in the country, and have struggled to gain more relevance since many of their senators and local government representatives back in the 2320's were barred from political activity or imprisoned for corruption. Many commentators believe the new leadership of the party may look to rebrand themselves since they have now decided to form the government with the TRP last election.
Non Attached 10 Members of the Kaunihera with undefined or unique ideologies that are unattached to the current five political parties.

Aha no te Repupirita (The Court of the Republic)

There are 21 members of the court, who are formally known as High Judges, required to have served as judges in the Republics lower courts for at least 10 years and are elected via direct vote winning through majority and serve 6 year terms with no term limit.  

Regional Integration: Unitary, Federalization and Confederation

The Republic has a very distinct multi level governmental integration between the different seas and regions that have representation in the Kaunihera to guarantee higher levels of autonomy to territories outside of the core Miti'oire. When the Republic was still fighting the Wars of Liberation through the late 2100's and early 2200's, integration of the newly liberated islands into the democratic project required pragmatism and leninancy to convince their fellow Arediāni's of the bright future it could bring. So when those territories were brought into the fold they were integrated to a level that the local population felt comfortable with and was decided in their various elections.  

Hau 'Āumi Miti (United Sea)

  A Miti'oire that is a Hau 'Āumi Miti is one that is one that is within the Unitary structure of the Republic in which a Miti'oire is fully integrated into the Republic. They opt into entrusting the Kaunihera handing more political power over them. However, regions of the United Sea still have relative autonomy with their own elected councils that have authority to decide regional policies and laws. Probably the most distinct feature is how the United Seas Common Economic Reserve's, or MFF's, are in practice one MFF that they all share from which contributes the most to the National MFF.   Miti'oire that are of the United Sea are the Upoatua, Kapikala, Fa'aea, and Navanui regions. The Upoatua region in particular has been the seat of Arediāni power for much of the people's history, as the island of Uru was once the sacred seat of power for the powerful Reoatua and still remains an important spiritual point for the Cicloist religion that replaced Tapu. Uru and Hananui were both extremely important to the growth and political development of Arediani governments as Hananui's fertile soil supplemented by volcanic ash became the rice basket for islands all across the sea to help prevent famine and bolster food storage.   Fa'aea's islands sitting close to important ocean currents of the Arediāna is an important hub for travel and logistics for anything moving from the South to North and vice versa. Although the 'Opu and Po'o islands have not been reinhabited since being lost to experiments from Saver Biotechnica scientist in the 2000's, being far too overgrown due to a growth agent installed into the plants DNA and are overrun with by both mundane plants and invasive carnivorous ones. Waena at the very least avoided disaster, and is one of the most important transportation hubs in the Republic.   Kapikala and Navanui are newer additions to being Hau 'Āumi Miti, Kapikala being added after the recapture of Installation 3 and Navanui relinquishing it's Federated Republic status to provide much needed resources to the national MFF after the loss of the southern Illagran coast. Navanui being the former seat of power for the First Republic and it's large shipyards remaining the primary source for naval vessels of all kinds make the people very pridful of their home region and of the nation, and that pride is probably the largest complaint people have of them from other seas.  

'Āmutiahira'a Miti (Federated Sea)

A Miti'oire that chooses to be a Federated Government within the Republic are granted a greater amount of autonomy.  

'Api Nui Miti (Confederated Sea)

Ti'amā, Tā'amu 'ē Fa'atū (Freedom, Unity and Equality)

Formal Name
Te Repupirita no te Arediāna atura te Hau Pahī
  Form of Government
Democratic Parliamentary Republic
Terota   Approximate Population
Founding Date
2162 ISC
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
RoA or Arediāna Republic


Relations between the two large democratic governments are likely to give birth to an alliance as both of the countries general culture share a multitude of similarities such as the rejection of Inaethri in their main religions and the value of common Aethrin Rights. They also share common goals and in trade can compliment each others needs as close partners, such as shipments of food to the Aredián in exchange for industrial goods and cash crop commodities that are common in the Aredián Sea but not in Esliqaza.


Currently the Aredián Republic and the IKF make strange bed fellows, both are able to contribute to each others needs with trade with the IFK trading food products to the Republic for their commodities. The military alliance formed between them for the 3rd Junta War also proved beneficial in countering mutual enemies, however one can only speculate how long this will last as the Top Down structure of the IKF makes it unpopular with citizens in the Republic. Currently relations are at a crossroads and only the future can tell what will be brought.


The hardline neutrality of the Gylidd Government and the nature of the Ruddinwydd prevent relations from becoming any better, but the popular opinion of Tas Ethuk is typically high, especially with Illaguans who live in the Republic that have deep ancestral and cultural roots to Tas Ethuk.


The Top Down structure of the Khazmag's Empire make's it unappealing to Aredián citizens by default and diplomatic discourse is mainly on the status of the civil war in Lower Khorumshar and attempting to press the issue of listening to the people, however the Republic governments commitment to peace and pragmatism would guide the decision making of delegates to stay rather neutral. On the Khazmags end, the cordial contact with the Zamlisch Confederation and Riatan Republic would likely make the Khagan consider the possibility of foreign expansion being conducted by the Aredián Republic, or at the very least weakening the already fragile sphere of influence of the Khaganate. But the perceived power of the Republic and the opening of discourse would caution the Khagan to also take a course on making sure the Republic stays more or less neutral in Rilumir.


The current Crusades being conducted by the Archbishopric of Valcia and sponsored by the Archduchy give diplomatic teams from the Republic to Rilumir pause to the unwarranted act of aggression against the Varling Despotate. Additionally, the peasant status of the people is highly distasteful to the people of the Republic, and will likely avoid trade and keep a watchful eye on the Archduchy. The theocratic nature of the Archduchy also means that people of the state would also have a low opinion of the Republic with the main religion, or stance on spiritualism, is that Gods aren't just worthless but always detrimental to Aethrin. Despite that, the trade goods and obviously advanced naval ships and firearms would likely make the Archduke open up trade anyway, if an offer would be proposed.

Cold War

The Cartel Confederations activities and goals flies in the face of pretty much everything The Republic stands for. Not to mention past activities such as the "Welcoming Council" incident where many delegates of the The Republic, including members of the Kaunihera, were convicted of corruption charges and gross negligence due to bribes originating from the Cartels.