Elrond, The Half Elf Character in MyMiddle_Earth | World Anvil

Elrond, The Half Elf

Born to EARANDIL and ELWING , with his twin brother ELROS in F.A. 252, his was a storied line leading back to the greatest leaders of both Elves and Men. As with most living in the troubled times of the FIRST AGE his early life was impacted by those tragic times. He and his brother were forced from their parents, whose lives had a fateful destination, and was raised by MAGLOR the second son of FEANOR . Maglor as always a character of sharp contrasts lusted after the @SIMARILS so badly that he would kill his kin to attain them after Elwing had fled adopted her son and raised him with care.   At the close of the FIRST AGE the VALAR gave he and his brother the choice of following either the path of the first or second born of Illuvitar. Elros chose the path of Men and became the first King of NUMENOR . Elrond chose the path of the Elves, and became the confidant of GIL-GALAD the last of the HIGH KINGS OF THE NOLDOR . In that role he would start a career as one of the greatest foes of Sauron, where he was instrumental in the LAST ALLIANCE OF MEN AND ELVES that defeated the Evil Lord finally at the BATTLE OF DAGORLAD .   He still resides in the "Last Homely House" in RIVENDELL where he still works to protect all from the SHADOW .


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