The Resourceful Ones Character in Mundus | World Anvil
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The Resourceful Ones

Hired by the Windhelm Trading Company this group of adventurers set foot on the island of Runaar to explore its resources and fauna. This group of adventurers is supervised by Captain Lennard Rye situated at Savior's Landing.  


The party is constituted of four members, as shown below:

Current Quests

Exploring the Island   [Sacking the Shire A quest given by Zulk the Wise to kill the goblin sorcerer Sloniz who leads a tribe of goblins in the island's eastern jungles. The adventurers have successfully defeated Sloniz, in truth Sarados.
[The Spark of Revolution A quest given by Yereth to aid the kobolds in their rebellion against the goblin oppressors.
And so the Hunt Begins A quest given by Aard to bring him a trophy of a beast of might.      

The Island of Rhunaar

Runaar Handout
An outline of the island of Runaar given by Captain Lennard Rye to the adventurers.

Articles under The Resourceful Ones


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