Khazat Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Situated inside mount Krembor, Khazat was a new colonization of the dwarves of Ban Grond. Khazat was renowned for its large dwarven halls that were built by the brothers Grond & Brolof. The Krembor mountains house a lyrium source which was claimed by the mighty rune warrior Brolof. While Grond would mainly take up residence in their aptly-named capital, Brolof ruled from the Krembor mountain. With the large lyrium source, the island is known to be plagued by demons of all sorts, seeking to infest the mortals that lay claim to the reddish liquid.  


After the eruption of the Conflux Mountain, mount Krembor was split from the mainland of Rhunaar through brute force. This eruption of energy allowed countless demons to cross the veil and infest the once-proud dwarven keep. In the year 1470, the Windhelm Trading Company takes interest on Khazat and puts Bolus Farhest in charge to scout & claim the city. It is later through the combined forces of Bolus & Soren Azohr that the largely ruined city is reclaimed.


Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Krembor, Mount Krembor
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Reports (Primary)


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