Gnel's Hold Settlement in Mundus | World Anvil
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Gnel's Hold

A crumbling keep with red roofs amidst ruins of a larger fortress, this keep is known among the inhabitants of Rhunaar as Gnel's Hold. The fortress shows clear signs of decay through time, though the keep has clearly been renovated a few decades ago. Gnel's Hold stands at the border between the island's eastern greenlands inhabited by the goblin tribes and the Purple Plains surrounding the Conflux Mountain. It serves as Gnel's Bastion from which he holds the peace with the other societies inhabiting the island.  



The fortress was once used as a bastion used by the human-dwarf alliance. During these times it served as a border fortress against both the orcs of Drumak and the dark elves of the northern reaches of the island.  

Recent history


Gnel chieftain of the Skull crusher tribe, part of the alliance of tribes of Ban Grond, settled in the remains of the fortress and dubbed it by its present name: Gnel's Hold. He ordered his kobold slaves to renovate the place in which they were largely successful.  

The Windhelm Trading Company Expedition

When the expedition of the Windhelm Trading Company landed on the island of Rhunaar, they quickly send out a bunch of adventurers to scout the island (known as the The Resourceful Ones). They quickly found the fortress and quickly cleared it of Gnel's troops. They lay an ambush waiting for Gnel to return from his hunting trip. Once Gnel returned, the aforementioned adventurers quickly slew Gnel and his troops (for more details see Session III: Gnel's Return Report and Session II: On to Gnel's Hold Report). Three days after the massacre, Captain Lennard Rye decides to move part of his men to the Hold, occupying it.   The hold now functions as the effective border and trading post between the Utrhamians of House Uthram, occupying the Purple Plains, and the Windhelm Trading Company.  

Overview of the Hold

Gnel's Hold
Once home to Gnel, chieftain of the Skull Crusher tribe from the Ban Grond alliance, this keep has known many names through time.

Yarpin's Smithy

After the Hold was claimed by the Windhelm Trading Company, Yarpin moved his smithy to the castle. With new supplies coming in from the mainland with the second shipment, Yarpin now has a wider arsenal to sell:
  • Yarpin bought some Adamantium from Ban Grond


The western wall of the Hold has a gap, clearly created by a siege long ago. This hole has been filled up with remains of wooden furniture. The northern walls tilt has been devastated by a large boulder striking it, making it possible to scale the walls here. To the east of the fortress more vegetation is found and at the foot of the wall the castle's drain is situated. The southern gate of the castle is still intact and poses the greatest defense of the castle. The fortress itself is surrounded by the remains of the larger fortress it once was.


This fortress was created by the ancient human inhabitants of Rhunaar, created from stone mined at either Ban Grond or Gildin.
Military, Base
Inhabitant Demonym
Skull Crusher Tribe goblins
Characters in Location
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