Elizabeth Ron Dolfore Character in Morado | World Anvil
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Elizabeth Ron Dolfore

Ms. Elizabeth Vera Ron Dolfore (a.k.a. Platinum Princess, Avalissa Allonim, Bearer of the Aegis)

“It takes a special kind of person to take that proverbial leap into the unknown. All my life I’ve only ever made small gestures, afraid to offend or act outside what’s expected of me. I can’t rightly say I even chose the path I did. I was simply pushed because I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Were it not for Sivu I’d likely be...”
  • Elizabeth (disguised as Avalissa) to Robin in Spirited Conversations
  • The first born child to Jonathan and Valerie Jean Ron Dolfore, bearer of the Aegis, Prodigy of Magical Studies, and beloved Platinum Princess to those of Alloyus.
    Since birth, she was raised to be the model Alloyan citizen. Her father, the wealthiest man in the colony, ensured she would have every opportunity to succeed, and pushed her into Magical studies at a young age. Elizabeth rose to prominence, and perfected a means to vastly increase crop yield in the barren soil of her hometown. Since then, she's been personified, memorialized, and valorized in stories of the Colony's success, gifting her the moniker: The Platinum Princess.
    Despite all this, she's grown up lonely and full of wanderlust. Her father, Jonathan Ron Dolfore, is often engrossed in his business dealings, and her step-mother, Trieu Ron Trien, is cruel and spiteful. Her only friend was a young dragonborn named Sivu, who would often come see her in Bastion once a year.
    On Zhenus 15th she learned she bore a powerful object within her: the Aegis. With Sivu's help, she fled her home and the cruel machinations of Trieu Ron Trien. To hide her identity she took on the appearance of Avalissa, a heroine in a story she loved. On Gusterus 3rd, she met the party, and since then has traveled with them in hopes of finding a way to stop her step mother's plans.
    Theme Song: Paradise by Coldplay (as covered by Laura Mace on Stories)

    Physical Description

    General Physical Condition

    Her fine clothes cover most of her skin, but show a young woman not accustomed to hard labor.   She walks and stands adroit at all times.

    Body Features

    She is petite and thin, a body type often associated with her elven ancestry.

    Identifying Characteristics

    Her stark white hair and eyes are her most noticeable features.

    Physical quirks

    Tends to remain silent when spoken too and looks directly at someone's eyes when speaking to them. It is often a very intense look even if she doesn't mean it to be.

    Special abilities

    She has the power to cast spells and shows aptitude for studying magic. She’s a decent caster with a wide variety of skills.

    Apparel & Accessories

    Her earrings, bracelet, and necklace are lovely but muted and not ostentatious. They are often reflective of animals or flowers.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    She was born the day those aboard the Bastion landed in Morado. Her mother named her after a relative. During their travels across the realm, Elizabeth was a rather u usual child, able to sense impending danger as though it were instinct. Because of her disposition and white hair, the Bastionites named their first settlement Lightjewel after her.   Her mother was slain during the Battle of Bastion. Sometime shortly thereafter the Aegis was implanted within her. It is unknown how or why this was done, though Sivu suspects it is due to the Aegis needing a "pure heart."   A few years later her father remarried his father’s second wife: Trieu Ron Tren, in order to keep both family’s prestige and endowments intact. Her relationship with her step mother was strained, as Elizabeth never got along with her. Their differences in how Elizabeth should be brought up, as well as disagreements on her hobbies, led to a household full of unspoken friction. Inversely she and her father understand and get along quite well. However as she grew older she and her father see one another less and less.   She was raised in Bastion where she learned politics, language, etiquette, science, and arcana. Having taken to magic quite well she honed her skills and was seen as a prodigy for her age. Her hobbies include a love of flora and fauna husbandry. She helped develop a method to grow crops in any sort of soil though has not been able to showcase it on a larger scale than a single clay pot.   Elizabeth first met Sivu when she was 5 years old. At first she though him an unusual son of wandering merchants. Even as she learned the truth about who he was, she never treated him as any less. At one point she helped him nurse K'Vallo to sanity, utilizing their shared love of nature and animals.   Three months before the game began, she fled Bastion with Sivu. Her goal is to seek the aid of the Mirror King, as well as seek help in Settledusk.   On Gusterus 23, 130 FE she was kidnapped and held captive in Three Point River. During this time, her Stepmother: Trieu Ron Trien, took the Aegis from her and gave it to someone else. On Gusterus 26th, she has since been rescued and has resumed travelling with the party.

    Gender Identity

    Feminine, does not seem concerned with other's gender presentation, but all of her disguises tend toward the hyperfeminine.


    Shows interest in Sivu. Is not known if she had other relationships before this.


    Tutored by priests, mages, and famous tutors in Bastion.

    Accomplishments & Achievements

    • Showed aptitude for magic at 5.
    • Built and tended a garden on her family’s property.

    Failures & Embarrassments

    • Made a mess of her interaction with Malopher.
    • Broke down before Delphine and Robin, wishing she were more composed over something as simple as “a crush.”
    • Was kidnapped, and was unable to help either Jevahn, Javeyah, or Sivu from their captors.
    • Was unable to keep the Aegis from losing its energy.
    • Failed being able to save her friend Kazimier from death.
    • Lost her mind when she realized she is not a true person.

    Mental Trauma

    • Ran away from home. Not much else is understood about it.
    • Mistreated by her step-mother.
    • Fled from home after witnessing a horrid event.
    • Kidnapped by the Shadowed Heart and Kaspen Hush.
    • Learned she is a Tulpa, a constructed person, and is not real.

    Morality & Philosophy

    Firmly believes in ones moral obligation to help others.   Wishes to see the best in others brought out.   Nature and life is something to be studied, discovered, and appreciated.

    Personality Characteristics

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    • Magic and the Arcane
    • Literature, Myths, and Prose
    • Singing
    • Craftsmanship
    • Languages
    • History
    • Insight
    • Nature
    • Not physically strong or sturdy
    • Guilty Conscience
    • Not worldly
    • Not good at acting against her nature.
    • Prone to judgements made on first impressions.

    Likes & Dislikes

    • Animals
    • Flowers
    • Vibrant Teas
    • Fancy Clothes
    • Writing
    • Drawing
    • Music
    • Cowardice
    • Bitter Drinks
    • Cold

    Virtues & Personality perks

    • If one has the means to do good then they must do good.
    • People who are suffering must have their burdens alleviated.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    • Loves romantic literature to an almost fanatical degree.
    • Sugar pastries are her favorite,
    • Stubborn in her ideals.
    • Overly concerned with what others think of her.

    Personality Quirks

    She speaks very deliberately and with a drawl.




    Contacts & Relations

    Sivu     Out of all the people in the world, there is no one she trusts more than Sivu. So much so that often she allows Sivu to speak on her behalf. When questioned about their relationship she admitted that Sivu owes her his life, but she feels it is she who owes her life to him.   She is currently grappling with her complex feelings regarding him. She loves him but knows she is betrothed to another.   Sophia De Borel (Delphine Finley)   Sophia was the first member of the group Elizabeth befriended. Through their talks Elizabeth opened up a great deal about her life, about Sivu, and about her intentions to travel westward. She places a great deal of respect in Sophia, and finds her tendencies to dress up as someone else both amusing and intriguing.   Sophia was the first to learn Avalissa was a disguise. Sophia caught her while performing a ritual for Sivu, and eventually learned why.   In Yonara she revealed to her and Robin her true self, as well as why she pursues her current course of action. She has since taken a liking to Robin and Sophia after they provided relationship advice.   Robin Weiss   Upon first glance Avalissa saw directly through Robin’s disguise, in spite of her skill in hiding it. In spite of this, Avalissa saw fit to gift Robin something to aid in her disguise for no cost or request of a favor. Since then Avalissa has closely guarded Robin’s secret and has asked for nothing in return. She has yet to express why.   In Yonara she revealed to her and Sophia her true self, as well as why she pursues her current course of action. She has since taken a liking to Robin and Sophia after they provided relationship advice.   Malopher O’Lak   Malopher is the first PC whom Avalissa had a full fledged conversation with. Despite the rocky start, she has grown past the need for posturing and considers Malopher a good resource to understand the mercantile business.   Ela Stonetell   For some reason being around Ela causes a great deal of discomfort for Avalissa. She won’t express why, but for the sake of maintaining poise chooses to let Sivu take the brunt of her queries. Avalissa has since learned that not only is Ela dying of disease, but also a former pirate. What this means for Ela is anyone’s guess.   Kazimier Marlowe   There is a great deal she does not know about Kazimier, In return there is not much he knows about her.   Clem   In her opinion Clem is a joy to be around. He’s funny, strong, considerate, and musical. Secretly she wants to play music with him, but for now would rather maintain the Employer/Employee relationship.

    Family Ties

    A member of House Dolfore.   Engaged to another nobleman in Settledusk.

    Religious Views

    Raised Mother Sun. Is a firm believer in the Mother Sun's teachings.

    Social Aptitude

    She’s almost always poised and calculated in her appearance and manners. Her impeccable upbringing suggests she was naturally suited to the gentry lifestyle.


    Speaks with the twang of a posh southern belle. Her words are deliberate and without emotion when she can help it. She always sounds polite, even when she doesn't mean to be.


    Elizabeth Ron Dolfore

    Confidant (Vital)

    Towards Sivu'Ta'Lasharo




    Protector (Vital)

    Towards Elizabeth Ron Dolfore




    The two saved one another's lives. In return they choose to travel together, if not to save the colony but also themselves.

    Commonalities & Shared Interests

    • Nature
    • Music
    • Morality
    • Stories

    Lawful Good
    Current Status
    Under the "Imprisonment - Sleep" spell
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Heiress to House Dolfore.
    Date of Birth
    Mavius 8th
    Circumstances of Birth
    Born to Jonathan Ron Dolforé and his now deceased wife.
    Light Jewel, Alloyus
    Stark white
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale white
    Quotes & Catchphrases
    "I am sorry for being so abrasive in our first meeting. I was intimidated by your deeds and hoped in putting up this face we could stand eye to eye. I meant no disrespect."
  • Avalissa to Malopher at the Bitter Salt, Gusterus 4th, 130 FE
    "Surely this land is a boon to all who come. Regardless of their life before, one can easily pick up a new life, and reinvent themselves into a completely separate identity, free of prior constraints."
  • Avalissa to Sophia in the White Bone District, Gusterus 4th, 130 FE
    Avalissa: "So what? We simply turn our eyes blind to his cowardice and do nothing? What about our morals Sivu? What about our responsibility to one another?" Sivu: "Responsibility? What about our responsibility to each other, Lisa? What about what we're supposed to be doing? Isn't that more important that what some backwater village squabble?" Avalissa: "..." Sivu: "Don't forget why we're doing this. Some things are more important. Remember that next time you want to make friends with our employees."   Sivu and Avalissa outside the mayor's house at Bend River, Gusterus 9th, 130 FE.
    Mother Sun
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    • Feroxi
    • Akacheta
    • Aurumo
    • Argenti
    • Cuprum
    • Astrolenga

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    Character Portrait image: Elizabeth Commission by Yutaan


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