Masego Sokolov Character in Moontides | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Masego Sokolov

The Decompiler of Reality

Break things down. Understand them from first principles. Apply your understanding to build something better and maintain it.
  Masego Sokolov. They are a robot.


Masego was formerly an inactive shell that Ball would backup copies of the former Fountain Librarian's consciousness, while Ball was still in her service. The Librarian lost their life during the Rise of the Old Moon Citadel on the devastating quake of 282  , and then Ball woke up the consciousness inside the shell to find he had instead learned from both Ball's and the Librarian's memories and become their own person. Masego's memories and vast archived knowledge (the entire Fountain library is accessible to him at all times, and he keeps growing it constantly) was useful in dealing with the aftermath of the Rise. He played a major role in rebuilding the destroyed center of Fountain, and architecting the design of the new Moon Citadel, and stayed on the new Librarian for a while, learning as much as he could from the both the locals and offworlders such as visiting Luminaries. Ball became his assistant as well and they have been on a journey to understand the lower-level code of reality itself, trying to understand how he came to be and how he can be sentient on his own rather than being just a reflection of the old Librarian. His first project was to read between the threads of reality and visit Mortuary in his own domain, a feat which Mortuary rewarded with a chance to talk to the old Librarian's preserved soul in the afterlife.

Joining the Orchestra

When Sabah Kaldwin and Vega Faden visited the Moon Citadel and visited the Library, Masego was immediately drawn to the Glassless Child's aversion to reality's rules. Masego had learned enough about magic from the Luminaries to be able to detect how Sabah was a hole in reality itself, and seeing a former apprentice of Mortuary themself accompanying the Glassless Child intrigued him extremely. He and Vega got off to a bad start initially, as his innate electricity and ability to discharge it would often have Vega hissing at him like a kitten being dipped in a water bath, but they got past it and Masego asked to join the Orchestra to see what would happen further.   Drawing again from his tendency to keep things running, he is very, very organized. He keeps an eye on all the Orchestra members and ensures all of them are well fed, keep clean and stay healthy. He wakes everyone up at usually the same time every morning, tho Ball often starts floating around nudging everyone awake around an hour early everyday. Masego cooks for everyone, at exactly the same time everyday, and often the same meal as well, for all of his companions, and ensures they are all getting their nutrients as needed. He has taken it upon himself to ensure the band can continue functioning forevermore, allowing the rest to focus on their goals and desires. And he's happy doing it for taking care of everyone is his desire.


  Black casing, no mouth, blue dot matrix eyes. Two horns jut out from the back of the head, one purple, one red. Masego can retract them and repair them as he wished.   Masego wears some form of purple ranger garb all over, with grey-brown boots. There are buckles and belts all over, holding various tools, green and white in color. Their right leg has a rope tied around it, with each turn of the rope being separated by an inch or 2. The whole thing is an armor set Masego looted once and thought it looked good, and he never took it off since. The rope has small green clasps all along its length.

Character Portrait image: by Rebka


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