Session 163 - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold Report in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Session 163 - Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold

General Summary

10th to 11th Ilvin (Third month of Autumn) 723TR

The Story So Far

The Crimson Dancer Knight Athena plans to deal with her hated adversary Baron Rarval, the last remaining, and the most devious member of Clan Hamlen.

The evil Baron has returned to his ancestral home, the Manor of Deya, and chosen the village windmill, built over an ancient burial mound, for his last stand. He intends to release necromantic power from an evil artifact, raising the dead and use them to destroy Athena. Four of Athena's compatriots have been captured and are being used as bait.

Athena also believes that the Baron may be conspiring with her commander Baliela Shernath.

The continuation of Session 162 - A Bitter Reunion.

Location - Deya Manor in the Kingdom of Rethem.

Part 1 - The Shadow of Bukrai

Ravel Hamlen Head.PNG
Ravel Hamlen, art by Artbreeder
The Heroes come up with a simple plan. The Hasted Athena will charge forward directly towards the windmill, drawing the attention of the Baron while Quazzy and Yureb free the hostages. Meanwhile, Lucinda and fellow knight Gudfinna will deal with the Baron's mercenaries in the village.

Baron Rarval Hamlen spots Athena approaching and orders his bodyguard, the Kuboran Barbarian Berserker Throgurth, to attack. Throgurth shoots arrows at Athena and misses, and in frustration, kills one of the hostages.

Baron Ravel, art by Artbreeder
Then the Baron acts, shattering the Ara'Dunrangash, a black orb filled with necromantic corruption. The dark soul-destroying Shadow of Bukrai is released creating a sphere of darkness that envelopes the windmill. Lost spirits rise from the nearby burial mounds while an emaciated demonic creature emerges from the dirt and lets forth a pitiful wail of despair. The Baron's soul is torn to pieces and consumed by the darkness, and the necromantic shadow possesses his body. His flesh turns pale, his eyes glow with malice and his sword flares with a dark flame. He is ready for Athena.

Part 2 - Vengeance

In the gloom, Yureb and Quazzy start freeing the hostages, dropping healing potions and various silver weapons for them to use; however, they are immediately mobbed by Wraiths. Quazzy uses her necromantic ability to obscure their vision, and then she makes her way up the Windmill. The emaciated demonic creature, a Sorrowspawn, ambushes, and badly wounds Yureb after grabbing him in its boney claws.

Meanwhile, Athena keeping her distance from the Baron is also surrounded by more Wraiths as well as Shadow Demons. He unleashes a Hellfire Blast, a ball of necromantic fire. The robust Athena shrugs this aside; however, the recently arrived and much more fragile Quazzy gets caught in the chilling conflagration and is badly hurt. Throgurth, the raging barbarian bodyguard, then moves outside to attack Quazzy, and the Baron gestures again, Dispelling Athena's Haste. But all is not lost. The gloom and shadows surrounding the mill seem to be dissipating, slowly being burnt away by daylight.

The Sorrowspawn causes considerable issues for Yureb. Leaving the freed hostages to battle the remaining Wraiths, he slips free of its clutches, runs up the windmill's sail, and joins the rest of the heroes. Quazzy Curses Throgurth taking him out of the fight. However, she is very nearly gets envisaged by the Baron. Athena, having dealt with the Shadow Demons and Wraiths, attacks her nemesis, while Yureb keeps the Sorrowspawn at bay. It is eventually held mid-air by Quazzy's Telekinesis and destroyed with ranged attacks.

Athena hacks at the Baron and luckily avoids his counters as a couple of solid hits would likely finish her. Quazzy distracts the Baron with a Power Word Stun buying time for Athena to decapitate him. He disintegrates into a cloud of dust, and moments later, the sunlight overwhelms the last of the shadow around the windmill freeing it from the necromantic taint.

Baron Rarval Hamlen is forever destroyed, and Athena has had her revenge.

Part 3 - Lies and Deceit

Athena takes command of Deya Manor using the surviving Crimson Dancer warriors to maintain order. The party investigates Deya Keep for evidence. Yureb finds a very well hidden secret compartment in the Baron's chamber. In it are letters and documents, many with lies, distortions of the truth, and false testimony. It appears the deceitful Baron has indeed been in contact with Athena's commander Grandmistress Baliela Shernath. These papers include;

  • A letter from the Grandmistress Baliela demanding the Baron supply evidence of Athena's alleged treachery. She makes it clear she will not act against a fellow knight on his word alone.
  • A series of financial documents showing that Athena had embezzled a small fortune when she led the Crimson Dancer army during the recent civil war. Yureb spots a skilled forgery, he is an expert on these matters.
  • Letters from the high priestess of the Order of the Eight Demons testifying that when Athena was based in the City of Coranan, she directed possible recruits to her order rather than the Dancers companion clerical order. Another lie.
  • False evidence that Athena was colluding with the Larani worshiping Kingdom of Melderyn to acquire a mercenary army. This is a gross distortion of the truth.
  • And finally, a letter to the Baron from the mysterious Raven Woman saying that she has charmed two of Athena's fraction of the Dancers, the Valkyries, and they have reported disloyalty to the Grandmistress. The charmed sisters are junior knights Leta and Amylith.

Athena collects this information and plans to confront the Grandmistress.

Part 4 - Peace Treaty

Baliela Shernath, art by Artbreeder
Athena arrives at Ithius Keep and demands an immediate meeting withGrandmistress Baliela Shernath. The confrontation is tense and comes close to violence. However, when presented with Baron's false evidence and the testimony of two sisters Leta and Amylith, now free of their charm, the Grandmistress is eventually convinced that Athena has not been scheming behind her back.

The pair, who still do not like each other, come to a tense understanding. Athena is to be confirmed to the rank of Tenaka (Deputy Grand Mistress), and they will work together to grow and strengthen the order. Grandmistress Baliela plans to undertake a mission of vengeance, a suicide mission at some point in the next five to ten years, and then Athena will be able to take over if she so wishes.

This campaign has reached its conclusion, at least for the moment. The characters will hopefully retire gracefully.

NPC Interactions

Gudfinna and 4 Crimson Dancer Knights.

Baron Rarval Hamlen.

Baliela Shernath, Grandmistress.

Challenges Overcome

Destroyed - 2 Shadow Demons, 6 Sword Wraith, 1 Sword Wraith Commander, 4 Greater Wraiths, 1 Hunger Sorrowspawn, and 1 Legendary Death Knight.

Found false evidence.

Athena made peace with Grandmistress Baliela Shernath.

Related Reports

Baron Rarval Hamlen - Updated.

Clan Hamlen - Updated.


Players Character Status

Athena the Banshee - Level 20 Paladin of Vengeance.

Yureb - Level 20 Arcane Trickster.

Quazzy the Raven Woman - Level 5 Necromancer and Level 15 Warlock Disciple of Desridaen.

The Uncivil War - Campaign Complete
Report Date
01 Aug 2021

NPC Companion

Dame Lucia Kalormar

Athena's Aid

Lucia Kalomar

Lucia Kalomar, art by Artbreeder

Clan Hamlen

Clan Hamlen, art by Attacus

Sisterhood of the Crimson Dancer

Crimson Dancer CoA

by Columbia Games

Ara'Dunrangash, art by Attacus


Ara'Dunrangash are also known as a Lesser Orbs of Bukrai. This hollow spherical black glass orb is cold to the touch and radiates necromantic energy. Close or prolonged exposure to it will drain the life of its holder and inevitably will destroy them.
Created in a Morgathic Temple, this artifact was powered by human sacrifice. Every ritual, sacrifice, or torture the church performed added to its power. It became a receptacle storing the Shadow of Bukrai and all manner of demonic and necromantic forces.

Cover image: Clan Pallas by Attacus


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Sep 14, 2021 01:42 by MrGunn

I doff my hat for thee, you have run a brilliant campaign with a satisfying conclusion.

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]
Sep 14, 2021 02:05

Thanks, the players seemed happy with the outcomes. 94 sessions and avoiding breaking the world too much. Its hard work with a high-level D&D campaign.

Sep 14, 2021 02:09 by MrGunn

Indeed D&D tends to be get very difficult to manage beyond about 10th level.

Thanks!   MrGunn [email protected]