Secrets of the Verdant Doorways Document in Misty Isle of Harn | World Anvil

Secrets of the Verdant Doorways

Atrena Quiglin was a Melderyni Mage who studied the magic of Holy Groves also known as Barasi Points. She wanted to understand how they function, and researched ways to used them to travel quickly to distant locations. Although she had some success she was killed by a possessed Treeman during a short trip to the Feywild to test her theories (refer Session 88 - The Ghost of the Boar Grove).

The Book, Secrets of the Verdant Doorways, is an incomplete research manuscript which includes magical hypotheses and theories on how the Brasai points operate. Atrena also created a spell to uses these magical doorways.

Historical Details


Written between 697 and 705TR
Journal, Personal
Authoring Date

Cover image: by Attacus


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