Etamin System Geographic Location in Mirium Dynus | World Anvil
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Etamin System

The Etamin System is a binary system comprised of two White Dwarves. Like many of it’s sister star systems, it’s battered by frequent comets that destroy many chances of life on the smaller moons, which are more vulnerable. There is also a space station, floating near Etamin A-2 in order to study the radioactive ruins found there. Frequently, True Terran Society caravans visit this system to gather water in which to filter and then ration out after cleaning. There is a high ratio of stellar bodies holding Transpicuous Crystal in this system.


Etamin AB: White Dwarf and White Dwarf

Class DA. Non-scoopable. Common. | Class D. Non-scoopable. Common.  

Etamin A-1: Ocean World

Although cluttered with small islands, Etamin A-1 is unlivable thanks to its boiling hot oceans, which are deceptively still until disturbed, and then they start bubbling. It is a risky business for the True Terran Society to set up caravans to collect water and bring the rations of it out to the rest of their society.  
  • Etamin A-1 a: Empty of life unlike the planet it orbits around, there is still a small base, Alan-A-1, to monitor the extremely active sister moons.
  • Etamin A-1 b: Extremely volcanically active, this moon constantly rushes with lava. The air is thick grey with sulfur and ash, and even rebreathers aren’t enough to be on this moon.
  • Etamin A-1 c: Like Etamin A-1 b, this planetoid is volcanically active. While not quite as active, the sulfur and ash belched out of the various volcanoes is still too thick to see through the air.

Etamin A-2: Radioactive Planet

This planet was recently scanned by Cluster Scientists United, and underneath the surface layer, ruins of a civilization were found. A base, Marin-A-2, has been built. However, there are strict restrictions placed for how long people can be on the planet due to the high radiation.  
  • Etamin A-2 a: This moon is lifeless, smooth, but strangely shaped otherwise.
  • Etamin A-2 b: Another strangely shaped, smooth moon like it’s sister.
  • Etamin A-2 c: A crystal planetoid made of Transpicuous Crystal.

Etamin A-3: Ice Planet

There is an ocean hiding underneath the ice. It’s unknown if there is any life underneath as well.  

Etamin AB-1: Crystal Planet

A crystal planet that mingles with Transpicuous Crystal. This entire planet runs hot and has no atmosphere.  
  • Etamin AB-1 a: It is suspected that this moon is actually a piece of Etamin AB-1 that was broken off, as its made of the same ratio of crystal and Transpicuous Crystal.
  • Etamin AB-1 b: An empty moon. It’s suspected that it this planetoid must have been from another planet nearby.

Etamin AB-2: Salt Planet

There is a heavy salt content on this planet, to lethal levels.  
  • Etamin AB-2 a: A crystal planetoid, another suspected piece of Etamin AB-1 that was caught in Etamin AB-2’s orbit as it also contains the same traces of Transpicuous Crystal.

Etamin B-1: Gas Giant Class III

  • Etamin B-1 a: An alien jungle with mountains of Transpicuous Crystal slowly overtaking the green, humid life there.
  • Etamin B-1 b: A moon of Transpicuous Crystal.
  • Etamin B-1 c: A lumpy, lifeless rock. There is a small amount of precious metals here, specifically copper.
  • Etamin B-1 d: This planetoid may be without life, but unlike Etamin B-1 c, it's copper content is much, much higher. There is a base, Ray-B-1d, on this moon.
  • Etamin B-1 e: An icy moon.
  • Etamin B-1 f: An oceanic moon, with waves hundreds of stories high that sweep over its surface,, and thick clouds that bring overcast skies.
  • Etamin B-1 g: Like Etamin B-1 f, this is a water-filled moon, with overcast skies. However, the waves on this planetoid are much less descructive, allowing islands to have formed from volcanic activity underneath the seas.
  • Etamin B-1 h: A Lava planetoid, filled with sulfuric ash and iron particles. There maybe a high metal content on this moon, but good luck trying to get to it.
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