The Final Words of King Sevren-Odd Document in Metima Maru | World Anvil
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The Final Words of King Sevren-Odd

"I leave this land better than I found it.  Stronger.  Braver.  Prepared to ride out the dark storm that lurks upon the horizon.  I hear the gale brewing, a storm that will wipe the foolish from this world.  Chase not the wars of others, my friends. Those that do will be buried in darkness, forever. Remember, stand together; always. We are but reeds; weak alone, but strong when bound together. I hear the gale brewing; it will wipe the foolish from this world and leave sorrow in its wake. Together, we will survive it. We will thrive. We will ride again, my friends."
- Inscription upon the Tomb of King Sevren-Odd    
It was always said that the great king, Sevren-Odd, had a gift for knowing the future.  Fairytales tell he was the child of Kynric, king of the gods.  Others say that while his parentage is important to his sight, it was his goddess sister, Wassa, whispering in his ear that warned him of the dangers lain before his feet.  But, there is no doubt that Sevren-Odd was a hero king that no man has since equaled.   He rallied men to his banners, destroyed the great Fifteen Monsters that plagued the countryside and built cities that stand today.  He created in his men a system of government that has lasted still to the day.  Fifteen Kings who sit council with one another, with the tie-breaking vote being held by one man.  But he only holds that power for one year, then he must pass it to another council member as the rules dictate.   As all gathered around his bed, the great king passing from this world, he told his friends and family to listen closely.  They would find instructions on the tomb they should build for him upon his work-desk.  They were to follow these directions closely; do not stray as they hold more importance than one could imagine.  And these, his last words, must be carved upon the great marble stone that would arch over the entrance to his last resting place.    And the great man spoke, one Knight was quick to write down the words.  And with his last utterance, he sighed and passed to the Halls of Mara.          

Historical Details


Many have wondered, what do the words of King Sevren-Odd mean. With his death occurring just a few generations before the Cataclysm that created the Ravaging Wastelands, most scholars say that his intention was to warn his friends of the impending doom of the Travashen Kingdoms.  Words like "the gale brewing" and "storm that will wipe the foolish from this world" both seem to imply that Sevren-Odd had seen the great shockwaves that would utterly destroy millions of people in their wake not 60 years in the future.  Other say that his "Chase not the wars of others" specifically was a warning to not participate in the Brother's War.  For, all those soldiers on the battlefields of this war were wiped from the landscape in the same wave.   But other scholars say that Sevren-Odd was looking further, into a future which has not yet come to pass.  That his words are there to keep the Fifteen Kingdoms together and prevent devastating war that would make the vulnerable to not only orc hordes, but invasion from their neighbors who would take their homeland.


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