The Virtuous Mirror Organization in Metima Maru | World Anvil
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The Virtuous Mirror

I've seen a lot in my time as a gravedigger, I'm quite used to death in all its forms. But, I never get used to that one. Mirrors placed in the eyes. Maybe the body is stabbed, strangled, poisoned. The way of death don't mean nothing at all. It is the mirror-glass placed where the eyes ought to be. You know the dead did something bad. Really bad. Cause those folks don't just kill for giggles. They even say they give you a chance to make right before they end ya. But some fools don't believe in them. They think they are untouchable. Well, I touch them quite a bit when I put them in that hole. -Bernard, Gravedigger of Felencia


When the great southern cities of the League were formed, they all undertook a great experiment. To be ruled by the people of the city, not just one man, dragon or god-king. Here, the people would vote on the laws, the people would decide who was guilty. The people would rule.
But sometimes, the people need help. They need prudence to be demonstrated and guidance toward justice. They need a conscious for the city and a knife to remove corruption that infects the Senate of the city.
The Virtuous Mirror was born.


You will see the graffiti upon city walls, calling for their help.  You hear politicians saying that they have their blessing.  All believe that the Mirror Blades will find those that do not have Justice and Prudence in their hearts.
  The Virtuous Mirror loathes the corrupt.  The organization holds to the tenants that the people should govern and they should govern well.  Those politicians that abuse their position for personal power. and gain are not allowed to destroy the will of the people.  Justice and Prudence should guide - not Greed and Exploitation.    The myths surrounding the organization states that they will leave you a mirror as a sign that they wish you to look at yourself - to see how you are failing the people. That is their first warning. If you do not change your ways, they leave a snake with their second mirror. There is no third warning. The third time they visit you will be the last. The corpse will be found with mirrors replacing the eyes, telling the world that this person failed and you should not follow their path.
Social, Brotherhood
Alternative Names
The Conscious of the Senate; They who balance the scales; The Mirror Blades; The Purifiers; The Purgers of Corruption
Character flag image: snake with mirror by Leo Reynolds


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