Mupya Settlement in Massaolo | World Anvil


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"The city is the last free city on the Asimara river and as such is where all the human garbage that the Chol don't want in their cities gather."~The Explorer's Handbook
Mu'pya is a city on the Asimara river and the norhternmost city on the river not part of the Chol Republic. The city's close proximity and ease of access to other cities on the Asimara combined with its proximity to the Chol Repubic without being part of it makes it a hotbed for black market trade. Powerful Cholish merchants take advantage of the cities lack of regulation and continually pressure the city's fragile government to quash any attempts at legal reform.


The city's central location and reputation for lax laws has lead it to become a melting pot with several people of different cultures making their way to take advantage of the opportunities the city has to offer. The city has large Chol, Hunisian, and Deyvian populations and small but noticable Demian and Ekoyan populations as well.


The city's government is composed of a ruling council elected by members of the various guilds in the city but in reality the council itself has little power to create and enforce laws and it often falls to the guilds themselves to look after their own affairs. This status quo is kept in place by strong neighbors, particularly the Chol Republic, in an attempt to to keep criminal elements outside of their territory and to allow their merchants to dominate the black market.

Industry & Trade

Mupya is said to be the drug capital of the world as the city produces and consumes more drugs than any other city in the known world by far. The entrepreneurs from all over the continent and beyond travel to Mupya to take part in the drug trade and travelers and smugglers are always coming and going, bringing the drugs around the world.   The other major industry of the city is prostitution. The city has no restrictions on the act and is unable to regulate it and as such people from across the region travel to the city to partake.   Not all industry in the city is illicit in nature however, the city also houses a healthy forestry and smiting industry and the riverfront is dominated by mills which produce both textiles and rice flour.

Guilds and Factions

The city is home to several guilds, most of which are thinly veiled criminal syndicates who take advantage of the weak regulations and use the city as a base of operations. These guilds will deal in goods and services from mercenaries, prostitution, drugs, weapons, and more.

Natural Resources

The city's immediate surroundings are fertile, lending it to the production of rice as well as other, less nutritious crops.
Inhabitant Demonym
Riyir Dharon
Character | Jul 7, 2019

Founder of the infamous Ulu'ihee secret police.

Ethnicity | Jul 7, 2019

The Taqoi are a warlike semi-nomadic people who travel the Asimara river basin.

Kolu Republic
Organization | Apr 1, 2024

The Kolu Republic is the merchant republic run by the Kolu people.

Ethnicity | Apr 2, 2024

The Chol are a race of men who occupy Cholate. They are known for their seafaring and trading prowess.

Cover image: by Jordo_707


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