Riyir Dharon Character in Massaolo | World Anvil

Riyir Dharon

(a.k.a. Nightblade)

"Riyir managed to not only found the most dangerous ring of assassins in the world at the time, but successfully threaten a nation into sanctioning it."~History of the North Vol. II

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Little is known about Riyir's childhood except that she was born in the slums of Mupya to a prostitute and an unknown father. By the age of 13 she had killed an enemy in battle and was thus a woman by the standards of the Taqoi. She went on to travel throughout the northern Asimari river basin until she found steady employment as an assassin in the service of a minor merchant clan in the Chol Republic. Riyir earned a reputation of being a brutally effective agent but also one of being honor bound and civil, leading to a very high-paying clientele.

Rise of the Ulu'ihee

After over a decade of successful assassination contracts, Riyir had caught the attention of the Imohele, the high counsel of the Chol Republic. Though political assassinations were indeed used even by members of the Imohele, in order to keep up appearances they put a large bounty on Riyir's head and declared her an outlaw, allowing anyone to kill her without fear of punishment and forbidding offering her aid. Despite this Riyir was not captured and remained active. Over the years, Riyir attracted followers and protegees to her service, founding the Ulu'ihee, "The Dark City" as her own network of assassins and spies.

Amnesty and Enshrining

After nearly a decade of evading capture, Riyir began to think of the future. She knew that she couldn't evade the Chol forever so she resolved to force her way into their good graces. She personally left a dagger in the bedroom wall of the Midewo, the Chol head of state, with a letter outlining her terms; she and her agents would be given a full pardon by the government, the Ulu'ihee would continue to function as the new state-sanctioned espionage department, and the bounty on her head would not only be removed, but payed to her instead. The Imohele was incensed at the offer. They released a public statement that the Ulu'ihee would not be given pardon. Over the course of the next week, six of the eleven members of the Imohele were found dead in their beds with daggers in their throats. A week later, the same note was found on a dagger planted under the Midewo's pillow, the terms had not changed. Humiliated and with no real recourse, the Imohele conceded to all demands on the condition that the deal was never made public, something Riyir was happy to accept. Riyir continued to function as the head of the Ulu'ihee until her death in 340 L.E. via poisoning.


Unknown, likely self-taught.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Founder of the Ulu'ihee.
294 L.E. 340 L.E. 46 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Riyir was born to a prostitute and an unknown father in the slums of Mupya.
Circumstances of Death
Riyir was poisoned in her sleep by unknown assailants.
Dark Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
167 cm
65 kgs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Taqoi Cholish
Ethnicity | Jul 7, 2019

The Taqoi are a warlike semi-nomadic people who travel the Asimara river basin.

Cover image: by Jordo_707
Character Portrait image: by Jordo_707


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