Teahouse Tradition / Ritual in Marvelo | World Anvil
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"The Teahouse is one of the most important Azurian cultural artifacts. It was first created back when we needed somewhere to plot against the Vermilisian redbloods to retake our homeland, and would soon evolve into a place of socialization and community once peace was finally realized."


The first Teahouse - an establishment called Café Figaro built in downtown Vauxvern circa 9970 BM - was created as a place local nobles of the time could meet and secretly conspire against the colonial Vermilisians without drawing attention to themselves. It wasn't known as a Teahouse then (it primarily served Markéd coffee), but would evolve into serving locally-grown and processed tea leaves after the success of executing Tobias Charmant in 9972 BM.   Within the next two centuries, Teahouses would begin to pop up rapidly all over the Sovereign Kingdom. They diversified their environments - some existed for socializing, others for reading and reflecting - but they all strived to serve the best tea they possibly could. Some even began to appear in the Magisterial Kingdom shortly after their amicable independence from Azuria and took on identities of their own. A particularly plucky Human living in Zanclea close to the turn of the era developed the first chain Teahouse - a brand called "Spilling Tea(house)" - which was a Teahouse intended for gossip.
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