Mechanical Andromorphic/Gynomorphic Implementations (Abbreviated MAGI) are an extremely rare and advanced form of dieseltech automaton.

Basic Information


Because MAGI are functionally an iteration of stage automaton technology, most MAGI produced to date have been anthropoid in appearance (hence the acronym), though a few have been shaped like oversized versions of other animals. Doll-like joints in the enameled plate endoskeleton of the MAGI replicate the functions of organic joints. Inside the endoskeleton lies an intricate assemblage of control cables, mechanical linkages, wiring, servos, switches, and a miniaturized dieseltech computer in lieu of viscera.

Biological Traits

While most MAGI to date have been controlled manually via radio or through miniaturized onboard dieseltech computers with set programming, the most recent models have served more experimental purposes. Auburn Astrotechnical biologists have, with the aid of Dr. Slaus-Braun, experimentally used animals' brains to direct MAGI through radio telepresence, with electrodes implanted into the visual and motor cortices of the animal to allow for direct feedback and control of a MAGI shaped like the given animal. This feat of neuroscience has opened the door to (in Dr. Slaus-Braun's terms) "exciting" new avenues of research, though it also poses serious philosophical and ethical questions. In truth, Dr. Slaus-Braun believes it to be only a matter of time before a living human being, perhaps a quadriplegic, might be able to live vicariously through a MAGI.

Genetics and Reproduction

The small number of MAGI which exist are produced in Dr. Slaus-Braun's private research facility beneath the Auburn Aerotechnical campus.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Other than in the limited runs in which animal brains were used, MAGI are not intelligent in the traditional sense. Their movements (i.e. walking) are stored on pre-programmed subroutine gaskets, with only a limited degree of adaptation to environmental factors provided through mechanical linkages and gyroscopes. Human operators or secondary software caskets must call upon those subroutines to make the MAGI perform actions.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

MAGI possess internal chronometers and gauges for various important mechanical statuses (i.e. fuel level, coolant temperature, and tension in various control cables). A select few possess rudimentary "sight" in the form of photodetector arrays or miniaturized television cameras, though research into how to best use the information provided by these sensors is ongoing. All MAGI possess radio antennas for remote control and override functions.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

While Auburn Aerotechnical's research interests lie in the actual functionality of MAGI, Dr. Slaus-Braun insists that "something is missing" if a given MAGI doesn't exhibit an appropriate degree of anthropomorphism. Being that Dr. Slaus-Braun is a long-standing member of the Burning Hearts Social Club, most MAGI he has built are modeled after comely women he has met over his travels, and he often refers to individual units by the names of these women because he derives personal humor from the reactions this gets from his colleagues.

Common Dress Code

Anthropomorphic MAGI are dressed in a fire-resistant jumpsuit 'skin' to protect any gaps in the exoskeleton and provide cohesion in the event of a joint failure.


MAGI were the brainchildren of Dr. Calvin Slaus-Braun after several decades of research into dieseltech automation. Most of Auburn Aerotechnical's work was oriented towards airship and skystation operational systems. Dr. Slaus-Braun realized that there were jobs aboard skystations which required human-like dexterity, but which would present dangers even to humans operating suits of auto-armor or nearby mechanical waldo controls. To this end, Dr. Slaus-Braun began to develop human-like armatures controlled through radio and telepresence. It was out of desire for extended functionality that Dr. Slaus-Braun thought to include a miniaturized dieseltech computer core and pre-programmed subroutine gaskets, leading to the early prototypes of what would become the MAGI.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

As they are 'descendants' of stage automatons, Dr. Slaus-Braun often uses obsolete models to serve and entertain guests in his penthouse atop the Auburn Aerotechnical tower.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Homo artificialis simplex
Dieseltech Automaton
Requires overhaul after approximately one year of operation. MAGI with organic components seldom "live" more than a week.
Average Height
Average Weight
300 Lbs

Cover image: by BCGR_Wurth


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