Lacington Settlement in Malpos | World Anvil


This city originated as a small, centralized town of Gnomes to give the residents quick access to many of the coastal towns and cities. The idea backfired when the rest of the folk on the western coast realized that this small town was in turn quick access to gnomish society. The small town gradually grew into a large city acting as a trade post between the western coast and the isolated villages and territories around The Everstorm Sea.


Lacington is ruled by a small oligarchy of nobles that originated from the coastal cities of Argil and Phaloxil. In the process of attaining control, the gnomish leaders were officially removed from power but are still highly consulted by the ruling council. In consideration for the gnomish origins of Lacington, all permanent gnomish residents of the city are exempted from all taxation. Many gnomes still pay the taxes out of respect for the community though it is not rare for many artisans to utilize these leniencies to accommodate greater projects or to mute inconvenient timing.

Industry & Trade

Lacington is placed overtop a large reserve of chalk. The gnomes utilize it in the creation of arcane components that are sold to primarily to arcanists in Bactran , New Derth, and Phaloxil.


Lacington can be divided into two major sections: Kinjome and Greater Lacington. The two are separated by a circular road called the Uldwal in reference to it once being the loose area of the village's palisade walls before the town grew.     Kinjome: The center of Lacington, Kinjome is the location of the original village created by the gnomes. Meaning "The Neighborhood" in gnomish, the other folk of the city tend to colloquially call this place Kin-Home either in reference to it being the center of the gnomes or simply being ignorant to the real word. A majority of all gnomes in Lacington live here and the architecture facilitates them over the tall folk. Only two perpendicular streets connect Kinjome with Greater Lacington. All other internal streets end with a solid arc of buildings separating the district.   Greater Lacington: The outer ring of streets and buildings that make up bulk of the town. In almost all circumstances, Greater Lacington is never referred to as an entity because it then identifies itself as an "other". The citizens of Greater Lacington simply think of themselves as Lacington in general and merely refer to Kinjome/"Kin-Home" as possible location you can go to within the town.

Guilds and Factions

From its origins, the city has also been home to philosophical group of the arcane arts known as Weavers. The philosophy of Weavers is about how a magician should think about their magic and in what ways to develop it forward. Weavers favor intermingling different kinds of effects and incantations in the creation of greater ones. This can be as simple as learning spells with variable displays such as Chromatic Sphere, Enhance Ability, and Enlarge/Reduce or more complicated in progressing from having the Mindsliver cantrips and the Fireball spell into developing the Synaptic Static spell from those parts.     The first Weavers came to Lacington during its founding. Though their numbers are small, they hold a revered position in the gnomish society due to their history. The miraculous powers of Weavers is what allowed the barely established village to survive the beginning of the Age of Isolation and it was their joy and inspiration that motivated the gnomes through the darkness of the time. They serve as the basis for the city’s name though this fact is lost on a majority of the population.


Lacington is a town of chance and happenstance. Founded at the end of the Age of Heroism, the settlement was initially created as a mining village for the Lothin Diarchy to begin better diplomatic relations with the nations of the west. Trade was never established. Soon after the caravan of supplies and labor arrived, the Lothin Diarchy's attention was pulled eastward to the Abtinar Fields were annointed with demon ichor. As the Age closed and the Lothin Diarchy crumbled with the rest of the Ulgoine Valley, what would become Lacington was left to survive on its own. Most of the Age of Isolation was spent rapidly attempting to become self-sufficient and just staying afloat. It wasn't until the Age of Community that the chalk mines were opened up and trade brought eyes of other politicians their way.

Points of interest

The Crystal Orchard: The Crystal Orchard is a large greenhouse within Kinjome. The acolytes who work within it bring blessings to cause a plethora of food to be grown within. The facility primarily produces food for the gnomes of Kinjome. As the gnomes gained wealth from the outsiders surrounding their home, they invested it in their own community. Due to their long lifespans and limitation on population flow after the destruction of the Lothin Diarchy, the demographics of the gnomish population have slowly aged. The Crystal Orchard has allowed kinjome to keep its people fed with less laborers and less access to agricultural fields.   The Geode Jubilance:  The prominent temple of Garl Glittergold exists in Kinjome across the square from The Crystal Orchard.  The temple is a cross between an actual structure and a giant geode that gives the facsimile of a basilica dome.


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