Trinsk Duke's Forest Geographic Location in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Trinsk Duke's Forest

Located to the west of the city of Trinsk and north of Lake Sinnyi, the Duke's forest is a private preserve of timber and game managed by the VonHughGraven estate. With the recent scouring of The Gristhaus, the Duke's Highway has once again opened up, allowing game and timber to be transported more easily to the people of Trinsk.   A recent plague destroyed a portion of the forest, effecting plants and animals alike. Centering within the area of the forest known as Stirge Hollow, it was discovered that the plague had demonic origins. Through the actions of Duke Manfred Von HughGraven and his companions, it is thought that further blight has been prevented, but time will be the final judge to determine the damage to the forest.

Fauna & Flora

The Duke's forest is dark and foreboding, with a number of twisted trees whose branches and roots harry those unfamiliar with the terrain.

Natural Resources

The Duke's Forest has historically been a steady source of timber and game for the region.
by Jon
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