Salvation Organization in Malatoria | World Anvil
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After the Grand Uprising  caused the fall of the Ymmari Empire, the newly emancipated humans in the northern reaches of East Ymmaria banded together to form the nation of Salvation. Built upon the ruins of mighty Ymmari cities, Salvation violently carved a foothold and began to prosper under principles of freedom and personal liberty. The kingdom lasted for nearly 800 years before civil unrest generated during the Great Eastern War led to Salvation's Fracture.    Salvation was a nation born from violence and even in its earliest years it struggled to come to grips with the harsh means with which it had won its freedom. In one of its earliest efforts, Salvation took revenge on its former masters and was instrumental in enacting the Purge Draconis  . In addition, the early decades of Salvation saw the fledgling country coming to grips with access to Ymmari powers and structures that were beyond their comprehension and ken. This led to a number of natural disasters and magical catastrophes that destroyed necessary resources and needlessly wasted lives. The scarcities and difficulties arising from these mishaps eventually helped spark the 230 year war between East and West Ymmaria known as The Clash of Scions  .   After the Clash of Scions ended, Salvation turned its violent intentions towards the humanoid and demi-human races of East Ymmaria, whom Salvation regarded as obstacles in its manifest destiny. This conflict, known as The Great Eastern War  , eventually led to the fracture of Salvation into the Three Kingdoms: Arkhazia, Oryus, and Sanctyra.   Various leaders held command of Salvation throughout its history including The Hextant, Regent Renaiia Lee'al, and Emperor Quen Pellazius.

2 CoS - 791 FE

Geopolitical, Empire


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