Oryus Organization in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Located south of the Verdant Expanse between the Sea of Tempests and the Serpentine River, Oryus (or-EYE-uss) is the southernmost of the human Three Kingdoms. They are known for their hard working, indomitable spirit, and tireless energy. Oryus is the home to master craftsmen, artisans, and artists from a wide range of fields. Oryons pride themselves on being free thinkers; unshackled from both religious dogma and the pull of greed. This is not to say they are without prejudice, however, as an Oryon mind can be difficult to change once it has been set. Although humans still comprise the majority of the citizens, Oryus has a more diverse population base than the kingdoms of Arkhazia and Sanctyra.   Oryus is ruled over by King Nicholas Alphonse VI.


Throughout the history of Grand Ymmarion, the region where present day Oryus sits has been home to conflict after conflict after conflict. This fact, and the myriad of legends that surround it, have cultivated a sort of flint in the hearts of all true Oryons. They take great pride in their reputation as hard workers and as truth tellers, able to endure both hardship and hard facts. It is often said that "the only thing stronger than Oryon steel is the word of the smith himself". This is not to say that the Oryons do not know how to enjoy themselves. On the contrary, their dedication to craft has created some of the finest art, architecture, and music on East Ymmarion.


The territory that would become known as Oryus was the sight of many prolonged conflicts during the Grand Uprising. Magical cataclysms and natural disasters after the fall of the Ymmari Empire combined to make the region harsher and harder to tame than the areas to the north. Indeed, it would take over 600 years for the region to be conquered as the Kingdom of Salvation expanded during the Great Recoverance.  When it was eventually brought under control, the region gave a strong military foothold to humans as they warred with the Elves of Lhun Glad and other demi-human races. Its proximity to the forest of Lhun Glad made it the sight of many of the earliest and harshest incidents of the Unseelie Terror.   As a result of stresses from the Unseelie Terror and the signing of the Gloaming Concord , the values, needs, and experiences of the people of this region fell out of step with Salvation as a whole, eventually leading to Oryus declaring its independence in the year 791.

Demography and Population

500,000 (65% Human, 5% Half Elf, 30% other mixed demi-humans and humanoids)


Oryus possesses the largest standing army in East Ymmarion.  Although they have not had reason to utilize its force for many years, Oryus pride keeps them sharp and ready, especially as tensions between its neighbors rise and reports of monsters in the lands to the south have become more frequent.


Oryus worship the Old Pantheon of Gods with most citizens paying homage to Mal-Torak and Silph-Mallene.

Foreign Relations

Oryus often finds itself in the moderator's position when tensions between Sanctyra and Arkhazia begin to boil over. With the Serpentine River connecting the city of Durance with the gnome homeland of Dallunderfjell, Oryus has also maintained a strong relationship with the gnomes for many years.

Agriculture & Industry

Oryus has large swaths of fertile famland and flood plains near the Serpentine river that produce a number of crops.

Trade & Transport

Oryus fosters a lot of trade with the demi-human civilizations and Free Cities to the south, but lacks the naval assets of Arkhazia to truly boost their economy.


Oryus has one major road connecting its two main cities of Valloran and Durance and a number of smaller roads connecting to towns and villages throughout its dominion.  In addition Oryus has a network of barges that move up and down the Serpentine River bringing goods and services and ferrying people as needed.

Truth in steel and song

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Major Exports
Oryus has ore rich mining operations that it exports to other countries.
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations


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