BB's Diary #9 Prose in Maelan | World Anvil

BB's Diary #9

Noxday, 11th of Shadow 211 EoL

Dear Diary,

  OMG, today happened so much, that usually it would fill several months... it was an emotional roller coaster, which is why I'm writing here all alone in my room while crying. I apologize if my tears fall onto you and leave stains. Let me start at the beginning of our adventurous day:   After we used that spell from Silvio that only Birdy could cast, we were transformed in clouds and flew over most of the isle of Vrinn to reach the tower, we wanted to analyze.   We first went into the basement, where an earth elemental awaited us. I dominated it so that it would not attack us. I made it follow us and obey my orders and answer some of our questions. We found prison cells and in one of them, our "good friend" Gullitiklan was captured. Trip tried to enter his cell and give him a healing potion. Fortunately, that didn't work, but it was enough to wake him up and make him talk to us. In another cell, there was a prisoner of the same race as Gulli. We saw, that they had been tortured and that the woman, who kept them imprisoned, is harvesting their blood, to gain their mind-reading and manipulating powers.   Throughout the tower, I kept talking to Gullitiklan. He hit a nerve, when he told me, that my relationship with Drake might not be as happy as I thought... that once we will face a difficult situation, I will see his true face... and boy was he right! But I'm jumping the gun a little.   We went back up on the ground floor, where we found lots of barrels containing the blood of Gulli and the other prisoner. Saldri analyzed the content of the barrels, and I think she drank some of it. At least afterward she behaved very weirdly, I mean weirder than usual (keeping in mind that I've only known her for a few hours, I'm basing myself on Drake's reactions). We then killed the earth elemental, who was still following me, so that I would get access to the powers of the ring I had since we were inside the mines.   We then went upstairs to the first floor. There was a puzzle to guide us to the right door, and some statues of wolves, overall, not very interesting, well except for Shirel, who took his time with those statues.   Yelena and I rushed through the 1st and the 2nd floor, because the others took to much time with statues and books. On the 2nd floor we ended up finding a portal, with a puzzle around it. Drake decided to just jump into that portal, without warning us. I was shocked, I mean he could have died for all we knew at that moment. Then my brother decided to put his head through the portal, to see what had happened to Drake. I went behind him to hold him tight, so that he would not just jump after Drake.   Fortunately the portal was safe and was just the way to get to another couple of rooms of the tower. We then all went trough to find a zero-gravity room at the other side, with a huge crystal in the middle of it. Some of us had the very smart idea to attack the crystal... that brought us to the attention of a female giant, who was not amused by our actions. We then followed her into some kind of laboratory next to which was her bedroom. We quickly found out that she was the dragon, that was responsible for the dome and that had killed the former members of Drake an Saldri's pack of wolves. She told us, that the dome would be gone in a few days, once she had reached her goal, to get "her" island back. She kind of wanted us to help her... Idk... I did not quite follow that discussion, as I was spying with Trip into her bedroom.   After telling her, we would leave, we went down to the basement again to talk once more to Gulli and his friend. Together we made a plan on how to open the dome and set the two prisoners free. We would go into the laboratory again and distract the dragon, while Trip sneaked into her bedroom with the back of holding to get a similar crystal to the one in the zero-gravity room. Once those two crystals came together, the dome would open. Easier said than done. The dragon lady quickly saw through our plan, transformed into her dragon form and initiated a fight. Shirel fought bravely on my side to be sure that Trip would get out of the bedroom with the crystal. Yelena wasn't as lucky, as the dragon killed her. Fortunately, Shirel was able to revive her.   The fight had barely started, when Drake and (of course) Gwenelle decided to run away, leaving us in a desperate situation. Those cowards! That's just not the way a captain behaves! He needs to stay for the whole fight, making sure his crew will get out safely. Drake knew for sure, that I would not leave without my brother, but he just didn't care about us! Gullitiklan was right, once it gets tough, it seems that I can't count on him anymore! I'm just so angry and disappointed! I really thought, that he was different, that I could count on him... but now, I'm not sure, that I can trust him anymore... Sorry for all the teardrops, my dear diary.   When Trip finally got out, Yelena, Shirel and I also made a run for it. Saldri, who had transformed herself into a giant moth carried us all back to the huge crystal. Using his new powers, Trip froze the two crystals together and broke the Portkey to teleport all of us back to Sigil. I'm not sure if the prisoners made it out as well.   We arrived in Sigil in one of the "welcoming cells". Yelena was not in her right mind, because she had to cope with her death and the news the dragon gave her about her parents (apparently her mother is some kind of creature and her father is a god... idk... very confusing stuff). Saldri was not in her right mind, because she was dominated by the mind-readers. We managed to get the tadpole out of her to bring her back to normal. Trip was exhausted, he still hasn't gotten his powers under control, which worries me a lot.   After we were led out of the cell, we went to meet Alfred so that he could escort the rest of the group home, where they could eat, drink and rest. Meanwhile, Trip and I went to the headquarters of the Gatekeepers, where we were to give a report of our mission. On the way there, we had a good brother-sister-talk about my feelings towards Drake and my conversation with Gullitiklan. He was very supportive, and told me to hear Drake out first before jumping to any conclusions. So I decided to confront him once we were back home.   The briefing took place with Ambition and Agdrel, with the latter one, being the one who asked the questions. He was mean, as usually. He made us feel very small, making it clear, that we failed the Gatekeepers by going way further than our initial mission. When he found out, that Trip came into contact with forbidden elder magic and that we interacted with Gullitiklan, he got so mad, that he threw Trip through the room. We were then told to go home and wait there until further notice. I'm not sure, if we will be allowed to go back to Vrinn, and I'm not sure if the others will be able to get there by themselves neither. I am so very afraid of the punishment, that awaits us for not following the orders by the letter...   Once we arrived home, the others were eating A LOT! Well mostly Shirel did... he seems to love those weird chicken feet, that Hel-Sir always tries to make me eat. I'm happy for her, that she now found somebody who likes them as much as she does. I decided to confront Drake in front of the others about his non-captain-like behavior during the fight. I was really mad at him, but he just sat there and took it, and was like: "well if that is what you think the situation was like... " Oh I could have hit him in that very moment. He really does not seem to care about my feelings. The moment where I wanted to talk to him in private about us, about our relationship, never came, as things escalated quickly: Shirel and Saldri tried to find out how they were linked together. As I was still in rage about Drake, I did not get the details... but somehow Saldri's patron is in prison in Sigil, because some pact she made with a devil. And now Saldri wants to try to get her out (as if we did not already have enough problems). And Shirel got a young noble virgin girl, who was promised to another noble, pregnant and then left her... I mean why?? I just started to trust him, and then I get that information... why do men leave us in that situation? Why can't they stay with us until the "problem is solved"? Poor girl, but at least I now know, that I'm not the only girl who found herself in such a situation. Anyway, now two noble families are behind Shirel and they have spies in Sigil because they also want to make sure, that Saldris patron stays in prison.   All of this was too much to take for Trip, who tripped (at least one pun between all these tears...). He offended the others by calling Drake a coward and then told the group that they were only a means to an end. He then left in the direction of Alfred and Hel-Sir's rooms. This was too much for Drake to take, who left as well. Gwenelle went with him (of course... ). And so they disappeared into the huge city of Sigil, where none of them has ever been before. I'm not sure if we will ever find them again. This is such a mess!!   Well Saldri, Shirel and Yelena stayed for the night. I asked Shirel and Yelena if I was to harsh with Drake, they did not give me a clear answer, but reassured me, that they would not just leave. And so I sit here, writing to you, my dear diary, hoping that our group will find together again and make a new plan on how to solve all those problems. If that will ever happen? Well I just don't know...  

Love, BB <3


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