Kyrnan Church | Lost Waves

Kyrnan Church

This is the official church of the Kingdom of Kyrnn, but it has temples in a few locations in cities in other countries with a large Krynan population.   The most basic tenets of the church are that all the gods are aspects of the greater cosmos. They worship these aspects as much as they do any of the deities individually. All of these are important, even if some might seem more pleasant than others. Neglecting one part will just lead to imbalance. When bad things happen to good people, that is part of the plan for how the universe needs to balance itself. Going against it will only lead to more hardship.  

The Aspects


The Pointiff represents the whole of the church. The nine Archbishops are symbolig, three times three, of the divine aspects. The Kyrnan Bishops organise the logistics of groups of parishes that each have a priest taking care of it.   All positions are for life, or until the holder rises in rank. This means that it is impossible to even become a priest until a new spot opens up. Those who cannot yet be priests for this reason remain acolytes or functionaries until then. If they have the credentials, they are still well-respected scholars. The rigidity that comes with this system has also led to a fairly conservative atmosphere. There are many rules and rituals, most of them unwritten, that are part of how the church is run.


The attitudes within the church might seem contradictory. On one hand, individuals are supposed to be humble, on the other hand, the offices they inhabit are often grandiose. The temples often built out of time forms of stone, but always carved into elaborate decorations. there are gargoyles watching from atop spires, alcoves with statues, and much more. There are large stained glass windows lighting up the spaces along with dim bracers.   One thing is certain - the church is more important than you. Whoever you are. Every bit of ritual and symbolism is there to remind you of this. The gods should terrify you, and the Kyrnan Church represents all of them. Well, all that matters.

Public Agenda

The church stands for continuity and stability. They teach that all things are part of the same structure and the most important thing is to make sure that stands fast. This makes them a strong ally to the Kingdom of Kyrnn and quite popular amongst other rulers. This steadfast attitude has also made them popular amongst lower classes despite their heavy hand and quite restrictive teachings.


No one is above the gods and no one knows the gods as well as the church. Everyone else should focus on what they can do for society. This means that unless something is either useful or honouring the gods, the church disapproves to one level or another. This disapproval extends to everything from sex not intended for procreation or that is outside of a sanctioned marriage. It might be acceptable as a notion sometimes, but anything intimate should be kept as private as possible.   Any extravagance is inappropriate unless it is in connection to worship or it reflects an important position. It should be noted that even being a cobbler is an important function in society, but the clothes of the office are quite different from those of a noble.   Everything in life depends on balance. You might ask the gods to interfere or not in your life, but in the end, it is up to them which way the scales must be balanced. Worshipping one of the three aspects more than another might draw the ire of those neglected.


Temples hold at least one service every ten-day. These alternate between which divine aspect they focus on, which means that a month will have one sermon for each aspect. Any additional services typically take on all three aspects at once.   During service, the priest will stand before the relevant out of the three altars in the innermost part of the temple while the congregation sits on pews in front of them. Cancers are moved throughout the room during the sermon to represent how the gods are always present. Hymns are common, but not required.

Political Influence & Intrigue

As the official church of the Kingdom of Kyrnn, they hold a significant amount of power there. But there is an intricate balance with the nobility as the two parts need to support each other to remain in control. They keep to spiritual and profane influence respectively while still collecting their tithe from the populace.

As we are born, live, and die - so does the world.


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