Krynan Culture | Lost Waves


The Agean Mountains and most of the landscape south of it is very rich which has led to a population that believes in being self-sufficient. Being capable as an individual is the best someone can do besides also strengthening the Kingdom. In fact, that is the key to a sense of self for many krynans - the strength of the Kingdom of Kyrnn. Citizens might joke about the monarch and their government, but an outsider doing it is offensive.   Values and morals affect those around you. Krynans will desperately try to get away from immoral individuals in order to not have that immorality taint them or the monarch. They will also happily take in moral individuals and make those feel as home and as welcome as possible.


Major language groups and dialects

Krynan is the language associated with the culture and almost all speak it. Most of its linguistic relatives are to the north rather than anything else.

Shared customary codes and values

Respect for another's integrity comes above all else. Property is important because it is part of that integrity, but so is pride and intimacy. This has a feedback effect, as those who can be considered moral should also be more respected, while the immoral don't.   Most krynans are hidebound to one degree or another. The connections to the land, their family, and the monarch are all very important. This also means that they are likely to consider anything related to those to be more moral than others. This is one of the reasons for internal arguments within the culture. Someone fishing village is likely to think of fishing as inherently better than leatherworking. Someone whose family are leatherworkers would disagree, possibly violently.

Common Etiquette rules

Elders are supposed to be listened to. This doesn't include members of non-human races that can get older than humans. The general opinion is that those races usually grow too static when they get older anyway. A centuries-old elf will not be taken more seriously than a middle-aged human.

Common Dress code

Being physically fit is very important to many. Clothes are designed to show off such a body or to mimic it for those who aren't as fit as they'd like. The area south-east of the Agean mountains is known for its special way to tan leather that gives it a stripy grey texture and this is worn by many with pride.

Common Taboos

In many ways, the kyrnan are very segregating. People mostly socialise within their own family, work-place, or gender. Pick one of those categories for each social event - no mixing. And everyone will keep to their own race whenever possible. It's not that you can't mix those, it's that no one really sees why you'd want to. After all, you don't really have anything in common with a Gnome, do you? What are you going to talk about? Pranks and minor theft?


Gender Ideals

There are four sociological genders within the area. Men are expected to be strong, durable, and unwavering. Women are expected to be empathic, pleasing, and perceptive. The third gender, known as rann, are expected to be unfeeling, strategic, and pragmatic. The fourth gender, tsan, is supposed to be encouraging and sensual, but possibly devious.

Courtship Ideals

Any gender can initiate courtship, but monogamy is the absolute norm. Tsan are assumed to be attention-seeking and flirt with more possible partners. But this is also taken less seriously. Exchanges of gifts, especially flowers, small trinkets, or poetry, is considered an integral part of courting.   Getting the approval of the respective families is considered important, but not required.

Relationship Ideals

Ideally, one meets one's future partner early in life and, with their families' blessing, marry early. The marriage is then supposed to be monogamous and for life. Divorce happens but carries a stigma.   Family is supposed to be second only to the monarch in priority, but it is common to see one individual's strengths as proof that the whole family is strong. Even if the rest are starving while the "strong" one lives well. Likewise, a way a family can appear to be better off is by shunning a member that would drag them down.
Related Organizations
Common names
Ault, Brunrirt, Dreem, Filis, Firk, Gukatst, Hanst, Mundis, Sangst, Solp, Svenst, Traup, Trofst, Turtist


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