Gregjian Zcedjiz | Lost Waves

Gregjian Zcedjiz

The Pontiff of the Kyrnan Church is an aging man with very conservative views to steers the church in a direction of dogma rather than social care. This makes him very popular amongst those with great power, but questioned by more liberal thinkers.

Physical Description

Body Features

Gregjian looks both younger and older than he is. He hunches over, is thin and seemingly frail in a way that would fit someone at least ten years his senior. But he also moves with stubborn confidence that seems impossible considering his general appearance.

Facial Features

The face is as wrinkled and old as the rest of the man. At the same time, his eyes are alert and there is no doubt he's paying complete attention to his surrounds. He has a sharp wit and his intellectual prowess is easily detected.

Apparel & Accessories

As the Pontiff of the Church, Gregjian is never seen dressed in anything but the regalia of his office. Even his nightwear is official and symbolic. Nothing is ever anything but formal.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gregjian was born in a small village in the Cloudripper Mountains in northern Kyrnn. He took an interest in religious studies at a early age but was initially forced to take on his father's trade as cobbler while taking lessons from the local priest. He initially dedicated himself to the gods of balance according to the Kyrnan Church. He especially took heed of the teachings of Mercantor and Oghma. That said, he found strengths in all three pillars of divinity.   It was the dedication to the dogma that let Gregjian rise in ranks. To this day, he considers the structures around belief to be as essential as faith itself. Unstructured faith, in his mind, is a waste at best and a danger to balance at worst. Since his appointment as Pontiff in 1344, the Church has become an even more conservative force than it usually is.


Likely asexual.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Gregjian has been a very prolific theologian and writer. He has published more than two dozen books on the topics of Church dogma, religious practice, and the interrelationships of the gods. He might be the world's foremost expert on these topics and a great scholar on both the First and Second Breaking.

Intellectual Characteristics

He is a very influential person and he knows it. No one can change his mind if he doesn't let them. Fortunately, he is very fond of intellectual debate and while his values are extremely dogmatic and conservative, he will always take facts into account. That said, he expects a submissive and respectful approach from anyone who talks to him. This is even true for world leaders, though they are given a little bit more leeway.


Contacts & Relations

The Church is naturally associated with the Kingdom of Kyrnn and therefore its king and other powers. But the Church is also strong in other locations, such as Aëdela, and has some influence there as well.

Wealth & Financial state

In theory, Gregjian owns nothing. In practice, he has access to the enormous wealth of the Kyrnan Church, making him one of the most influential economic factors in the world. Only a few individuals, such as the Caliph of the Sh'areen Caliphate, has access to a greater fortune.

/gregʝɑn ʣeʤiz/

Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Pontiff of the Kyrnan Church
The Excellence of the Three Aspected God
Lord of Faith
Speaker of Divinity
Steward of Creation
Year of Birth
1293 SR 72 Years old
Brown, surprisingly alert
Mostly bald; short, thin, and white.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light with more than a few liver-spots.
165 cm
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
If there is any language the Pontiff doesn't know, he does his best to hide that fact.


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