Aëdela | Lost Waves


The area along the western coast of Allowadh is a very rich and fertile. Through history, this has meant that the people have handled times of famine or disease spreading across the continent very well.   The plentiful access to resources has also meant a strong defence against outside forces, despite many attacks. Most of the successful conquerers have instead come from within the area.


The Barzulhan part of the Breaker Mountains make the southern border of the area. The southern parts of the Cloudripper Mountains are sometimes considered part of the area. The plains stretches inland between the eastern parts of these mountain ranges.   The Nacreous Ocean to the west meets the mouths of several rivers thatflow from the east. Three major ones meer up near the city of Maricca. These are, from north to south, River Argent, L'éveil des Champs, and Valenlon River. In the south, the River Errant flows north into La Lac Noueux before the water heads towards the sea.


A large part of central Aëdela, stretching west towards the sea, is forest and the rest consists either of gentle hills or farmland. There is a lot of wildlife, but increasingly metropolitan areas are pushing that ecosystem into more confined areas as more and more land is converted for the benefit of humanoids. Still, there are some areas of land where beasts roam that keep others away.


Location under
Included Locations
Included Organizations
Owning Organization

  • 58 SR

    9 Lannia

    Founding of the Aëdelan Republic
    Political event

    The republic is formed and the revolution ends.

    Additional timelines
  • 1176 SR

    8 Yanvar

    Founding of the SAnguine Institute

    The organisation, as opposed to the building, is founded as medical researchers join up for studies.

  • 1199 SR

    15 Kovanis

    Current Sanguine Institute is built
    Construction beginning/end

    The building is later extended and adjusted, but the core is completed at this date.

    Additional timelines


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