Marred Wastes | Lost Waves

Marred Wastes

The First Breaking resulted in a period of chaos on all planes, but especially on Ailion. The War of the Dragons resulted in catastrophic destruction in many areas, but the mountains around what is now the Marred Wastes acted as base for various dragons for most of the time period. As a result, it was turned into an inhospitable wasteland.   The Marred Wastes are vast and have many different environments, but all of them are dangerous. Almost anyone intending to travel will avoid the Wastes no matter how much longer it will take to go around it. Even the gloomy Krenid is a much friendlier option.


The Wastelands are surrounded by mountains on almost every side. The Breaker Mountains to the east and north, and the Agean Mountains to the south and west. The area itself has large cliffs formed by the battles of the dragons and more. Huge spiky formations of rock, metal, or even glass jut out of the ground. In other places, deep chasms have formed were caverns and underground structures have collapsed. As a result, these openings are often narrow.


Only the hardiest of flora and fauna manage to live here as the very environment slowly drains away life. Most things can either draw nutrients from their environment when needed or technicahlly doesn't need much at all. This has led to many different kinds of undead roaming the plains, making the area even more dangerous.   Anything living in the Marred Wastes for a long time becomes poisonous, even if it wasn't to begin with. This trait is inherited by any offspring born here which has created entire subspeicies. Any carnivores need special processes or natural glands that help them remove the toxins.

Localized Phenomena

Destruction of life has entwined with the very essence here. The planet suffered a great wound and it is still healing itself. To do so, it drains the life out of anything that doesn't protect itself with special amulets or oils. These protections act as a deterrent that can't be absorbed. Instead, the energy from them coalece into monstrous creatures that try to take life away from the kind of beings that saved themselves by condemning the energy to become the wretched monster.   In addition to the danger of the drain, there are multiple elemental effects bound into the landscape as a result of the nature of dragons. Releasing these effects can cause all sorts of devastation.   Lastly, there were underground complexes built here before and during the War of the Dragons. Chasms have opened into collapsed such structures. Since not even the gods are entierly sure what was built there, both temptation and risk can be incredible.
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