Barzulhan Kingdom | Lost Waves


The Breaker Mountains is the name of the mountain range that stretches alongthe south-west coast of Allowadh and then across the continent. The southern part of this, from the Sa'ar Desert to the Marred Wastes, is part of the Barzulhan kingdom.   The country exists at least as much below ground as it does above. Every major city is built into the mountains and stretch far below. This is partly because of the many centuries ruled by dwarves, but it is also partially why dwarves move here. These two facts reinforce each other.

Demography and Population

More than 70% of the population are dwarves, with humans being the second largest group, closely followed by gnomes. Other races are mostly concentrated to the larger cities and to Tar'zulhan in particular.


With several strong forts and a terrain that enemies are hard-pressed to handle, the defensive capabilities of Barzulhan are impressive. Their offensive forces are much less so. This has led to the kingdom having controlled its territory very well for a long time, but they have lost almost every attempt to expand.


Without a double, worship of Moradin is the most common in the kingdom, followed by Gond. Those who live deep below sometimes seek out Shar to help them.   For obvious reasons, worship of Ariel is nearly non-existant.

Foreign Relations

There is a long-standing animosity with the Kingdom of Lothana due to frequent land disputes in the past. Other than that, the kingdom is mostly friendly with its neighbours.  


Every citizen is given a very rudimentary education. Enough to read edicts from the government with some effort and to count their money. Beyond that, those with talent can usually find someone to teach them a craft.

Through heat and cold; through mountain old

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Kingdom of Barzul
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
1 gold Peak = 10 silver Rivers = 100 copper Ores.
Major Exports
Metals and minerals of many different kinds are exported from Barzulhan. There is even a small export of granite. The country does provide enough food for its own citizens, but any surplus is saved in case of bad harvests.
Major Imports
Few luxury goods are made in Barzulhan but rather imported from the neighbouring countries. The same goes for wine, fruits, and many other treats.
Judicial Body
Every settlement of any size has a Justicar whose job it is to hear criminal and civil complaints and measure out the king's justice. To help them, they have King's Guard that act as both military and police force. There are Advocates that defend the accused or represents the parties in civil disputes, but these come at a cost that might not be accessible for all.
Official Languages


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