Sune Character in Lost Waves | World Anvil


The Goddess of Love and Beauty

The goddess of beauty and love is adored and worshipped by many. Lovers prey to her to make their relationships last, those who want to attract others pray to her for beauty, and those who have been together for a long time thank her for their time together. Poets use her to compare their loved ones to, and bards sing her virtues.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A small mirror with a stylized picture of Sune above is typically part of any of her clerics' attire.

Tenets of Faith

  • Always strive to present the best in you.
  • Appreaciate beauty where you find it.
  • Beauty on the outside is nothing without beauty inside.
  • Love is sacred - encourage it where you can.
  • Perverting love by breaking consent or making someone suffer is abominable behaviour and must be stopped.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sune was created by Selûne once intelligent humanoids came around. She wanted someone to watch over them and so she found a lake that reflected the beauty of all of the sky. From this lake rose Sune and immediately she inspired all those around her to be the best they could be.   Over time, Sune has been one of the gods mostly left alone by Shar and the dark gods. And she has been able to even create, with the aid of Selûne, two other gods: Enneas and Wallan.

Intellectual Characteristics

Always graceful, the most negative thing that can generally be said about Sune is that she can be a bit shallow. She has been known to decline clerics simply because of their appearance and lovers who aren't dedicated enough might find themselves out of her favour. Still, she tries to give everyone a chance to be as beautiful as they can.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Sune is always portrayed with long, flowing, red hair.

Articles under Sune


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