Garl Glittergold Character in Lost Waves | World Anvil

Garl Glittergold

God of the Gnomes
God of Treasure and Trickery

Legend says that Garl was created as the moonbeams of Selûne unintentionally shone on a treasure of gems and gold, carrying her power of creation with it. Others say that Garl was created as Shar hid light away inside riches. Maybe both stories are true. More likely, neither is, and it's all part of a cosmic joke played by the trickster god.   Garl is mostly known for creating the gnomes, and he's worshipped by them as their primary god. But he is also the god of trickery and treasures as it applies to all beings. Thieves and con-artists usually pray to him for luck, but so do many dungeon-delving adventurers. Many cultures have expressions thanking Garl when they manage to pull off a prank or cursing him when they are subject to one.   To gnomes, Garl represents an ideal and most gnomish culture strive towards being like their creator. More than anything else, this means quick wit and a good-natured attitude. While the god of Trickery is fond of pranking even other gods, he does so only to make a point and never to harm. He is highly intelligent and able to handle magic and technology alike as his sharp mind finds uses for them. A gnome without neither intelligence nor keen awareness of their surroundings is far from what Garl initially created and likely pitied by those around them.

Divine Domains

Gnomes, Trickery, Gems, Treasure.

Tenets of Faith

  • The world is too important to always take seriously.
  • Those who are too sure of themselves deserve to have their views shaken.
  • Curiosity is the only true way to expand one's understanding.
  • Not all is gold that glitters... but it might be interesting.


Contacts & Relations

Garl Glittergold has a mixed relationship with almost all of the other gods, which means he's one of the few who talk to both Shar and Selûne on a regular basis. The ones he really doesn't get along with are Asmodeus whose trickery is only to cause pain.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of the Gnomes
Divine Trickster

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