Kingdom of Enliten

Through our courage and determination we've snatched this land for ourselves, but our future is not yet secure. We are few in number and this vast wilderness, dotted with ruins and memories of old, stands unguarded. Great steps must be taken to ensure our legacy in these lands.
— Karl Herwik after the Treaty of the Claw
  The Kingdom of Enliten is a relatively new realm that claims dominion over the southern shores of the Enlitic peninsula. It is a nation founded by men and women who had been forced to flee their native lands in search of a new future, but through their trials and tribulations, they stained the land with the blood of those who came before.   Despite all they have displaced and the deaths that the founding of the kingdom caused, its inhabitants are proud of it and the values of religious freedom and individualism it espouses. Since most of the country is covered by vast wilderness, Enliten is a popular target for other migrants who are in search of freedom and plot of land to call home.  

House of Herwik

It was a man by the name of Karl Herwik that can be celebrated or blamed for the creation of this human kingdom on formerly panedur soil. Under his leadership, a large host of men, women, and children made their way from Pallernen to the Kláv in 1502 AA. Using the ongoing conflict between the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna and their rebels, his forces were able to defeat the natives, allowing for the birth of his newfound realm.   Following his coronation as King of Enliten, Karl Herwik announced to the world that his is a realm free of prejudice and oppression. He invited people from across the world to come and settle the desolate fields and forests, yet all the while those who had previously lived there were forced to flee for their lives.   Now, over half a century since the conquest, Harál, grandson of the realm's founder, sits upon the throne in the capital city of Lotwerstá.
Herwik CoA
Herwik Coat of Arms by Azgaar's Armoria

Reign of King Karl Herwik
1504 - 1548 44 years
Died of natural causes
Reign of King Róge Herwik
1548 - 1562 14 years
Died a maimed cripple
Reign of King Janas Herwik
1562 - 1565 3 years
Died under suspicious circumstances
Reign of King Harál Herwik
1565 2 years
Current ruler


All you present me with are demands after demands. I am not my brother, you malignant oaf. Sit down and speak when spoken to!
— Harál Herwik when addressing one of his vassals
Until the reign of King Janas, Enliten was under the complete control of its Herwik monarchs. Janas, however, was a weak and feeble ruler and during his short three-year reign, a significant amount of power ended up in the hands of the nobility. The hereditary succession system that gave the people a sense of stability was replaced with elections where all descendants of Karl Herwik are eligible candidates.   Besides the change in succession law, Janas was also forced to grant four of his most influential lords a position in court as advisors with the right to vote on important matters. Now those who hold a position in the Helí Council can overrule the monarch if they three of the four councillors vote against the king.   The current monarch, Harál Herwik, worked to counter the aristocracy while he was still the crown prince. Now, as king, he has asserted his authority over his vassals, but fear of rebellion has kept him from drastic measures.

Diplomatic Relations

We have firmly placed our trust in both the Vivernians and the Rehenians. If both of them were to betray that trust, we'd all be done for. Either we plan for that possibility or we put ourselves at their mercy.
— Rālia Eq Celrei, Countess of Lág-Altiglan
  The Kingdom of Enliten may be a large country, but much of its lands are desolate and uninhabited. While the great wave of migration that followed the birth of the country helped a great deal in populating the land, it will still take decades, if not centuries, for Enliten to reach its potential. Karl Herwik knew from the start that his new domain would be vulnerable and therefore he, and his descendants after him, have all sought to keep cordial relations with most of their neighbours.  


Even before his band of fugitives and outcasts had set foot on Enlitic soil, Karl Herwik had established good relations with Vissente Frehhalani, the Lord Protector of Vivernia. With his permission, Herwik's Band was able to gather more volunteers for their journey.   After the victory, more and more Vivernians made the journey to Enliten in search of a new home and more freedom. The two countries are still steadfast allies and trade partners.  
Vivernian flag


During the last few months of King Janas’ reign, Enlitic diplomats managed to negotiate a defensive pact with the Rehenian Commonwealth, a young state that had just recently seceded from the Exalted Republic of Helendriel and the Sehenian People.   The move led to a degradation of relations between Enliten and Helendriel, causing some to fear the possibility of war. Many of the nobles who were pivotal to the diplomatic action argue that, due to political instability within the exalted republic, direct conflict is unlikely.
Helendrielian flag
Founding Date
9 Iqtīlapoiteril, 1504 AA
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Official State Religion
Controlled Territories

Land area
83,871 mi²

Council of Helí

Council of Helí by Azgaar's Armoria
Harál Herwik King of Enliten
Eltmar Tiller Margrave of the The Kláv
Leinrik Eike Alûhwichen Duke of Karllan
Rālia Eq Celrei Countess of Lág-Altiglan
Dáglev Uin Nuilwik Duke of Puhnen


Active Personnel
0.2% of Pop.
Active Units
Northern Garrison
General Manpower Units
Emil Aberwik 528 6
Name Type Tier
Fraskel Arbalest Company LA Trained
Reterval Militia LI Recruit
Mavlí Militia LI Trained
Healing Company of the Gap ME Veteran
Logistics Company of the Northern Garrison SP Trained
Wall Maintenance Unit EG Veteran

Eastern Garrison
General Manpower Units
Eidel e Vilstá 802 5
Name Type Tier
1st Eastern Archer Company LA Trained
2nd Eastern Archer Company LA Trained
Uisbek Provincial Guard LI Trained
Puhnen Volunteer Company LI Trained
Logistics Company of the Eastern Garrison SP Trained

Western Garrison
General Manpower Units
Elwen Tiller 180 1
Name Type Tier
Guard of the West HC Veteran


Undermanned Defenses

Enliten has three standing armies that are responsible for the defense of the realm’s northeastern frontier. These forces continue the old Enori traditions of guarding the three chokepoints to prevent potential aberati raids.   Since there haven’t been attacks in nearly a century, many consider the garrisons unnecessary and support to maintain them is at an all-time low.

The Map of the Enlitic Peninsula is, as the name suggests, a map that depicts the Enlitic peninsula and its surroundings in the year 1567 AA. This exquisite depiction of the region was commissioned by Harál Herwik, the King of Enliten, in 1565, along with the consent of his advisors in the Council of Helí.   Much of the northern parts of the map, the territories that extend beyond the Enlitic mountains and the Central Pass, are highly speculative, as folk believe that those lands are swarming with aberati.

Cover image: by pine watt

Herwik's Band

1502 AA 1504 AA

  • 1502 AA

    Flight from Pallernen
    Population Migration / Travel

    Following Emperor Âldal’s decision to outlaw the use of vitality magic and the interference of the Inquisition of Athe in politics, dissidents gathered to take action in the name of a brighter future. Seeing as a direct conflict against the Empire of Pallernen would have ended disastrously, their only viable option was to move elsewhere.   Many of them hoped they could end up in Alminthas, a country far more liberal in their acceptance of the arcane arts, yet the main man behind the flight from Pallernen, Karl Herwik, had a different plan. In his eyes, travelling to Alminthas was too great of a risk and instead, he set his sights towards a land in turmoil to the east.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    5 Gihppēh

    Road to Vivernia
    Population Migration / Travel

    The fleeing dissidents had gathered in Izinhald, a settlement close to the border with the nearby Republic of Vivernia. As they were leaving the city, it had become clear that Karl Herwik was their undisputed leader and many of the travellers had referred to the group as Herwik's Band.   Nearing the border, Karl discussed his plans with Caldia Fora, a Vivernian by blood and a lifelong friend of the band’s leader. The two of them argued whether they ought to settle in Vivernia or find a different place to call home, but after a while they brought up the possibility of carving out a brand new realm on the Enlitic peninsula.   For centuries that land had been under the dominion of the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna, but the population there was sparse and news of civil war had filled the two friends’ spirits with hope. There were opportunities there that no other land offered them.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    11 Gihppēh

    Arrival in Cirpi
    Diplomatic action

    Caldia Fora’s knowledge of the wetlands that protect Vivernia’s western frontier allowed Herwik's Band to navigate safely towards the nearest major town, Cirpi. Before reaching the settlement, however, the group was approached by armed men flying the banner of the republic. The local forces demanded to know who the large host of men, women and children was and what their business in the country entailed.   Herwik explained their situation as best he could, but his words held no sway over the minds of the Vivernian commander. Caldia then eventually managed to get through to them by mentioning that Vissente Frehhalani, the Lord Protector of Vivernia, was a distant relative of hers and that she had an offer for him. The commander, although hesitant, agreed to arrange a meeting between Caldia, Karl and the Vissente.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    16 Gihppēh

    Treaty of Alacce
    Diplomatic action

    Karl Herwik and Caldia Fora got to meet Lord Protector Vissente Frehhalani of Vivernia sooner than they had anticipated, as he had been on tour in the region. They met in Alacce in the evening and held a small feast to celebrate Vissente’s recent successes in governance. Dining with the head of state gave Karl the opportunity to get to know him better and the knowledge he had attained came of use the next morning as they discussed the future of Herwik's Band.   Vissente Frehhalani was sympathetic to Karl’s cause, but expressed his apologies that Vivernia could not house a host of that size on such quick notice. Herwik and Fora eased his worries by instead proposing a deal that the Vivernians hadn’t expected. Karl told him he was bent on moving further east and carving out a realm for his own. All he needed from him were his blessings, a few good scouts, more supplies, and for permission to recruit more men and women into his band. In exchange for his support, Vissente would gain a steadfast ally and trade partner. Seeing as Vivernia had been going through a bit of a demographic crisis with land becoming too hard to get and young men, devoid of hope and opportunities roaming the land and turning to illicit measures instead of honest work, the deal seemed perfect and so, the Treaty of Alacce was signed.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    21 Gihppēh
    1502 AA

    1 Koicaiteril

    Months of Preparation
    Political event

    Unable to carry on with their journey without first taking the time to gather supplies and recruit more people into their band, Karl Herwik and his people spent two months scattered throughout Vivernia. Most of the people lived in tents for the duration of those months and with the generosity of the Vivernian government, they were able to get access to the essential supplies they needed to stay alive.   While there were many who were eager to join, not all Vivernians were as accepting of the horde of foreigners that had wandered into their country. The longer the situation went on for, the louder the voices of such malcontents became. Eventually, Lord Protector Vissente Frehhalani was forced to placate them by urging Herwik to leave sooner than he had hoped.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    4 Koicaiteril
    1502 AA

    12 Vānsulrpēh

    Past the Bridge of Ebragio
    Population Migration / Travel

    Herwik's Band regrouped in Ebragio and then crossed the great bridge across the Gueri river the next morning. After two and a half days of travel, they had reached the lands of Helendriel. As before, they were greeted by armed men, but these alcheni were fall less eager to negotiate than their Vivernian counterparts. They were weary of humans on their soil, especially ones approaching from Vivernia, as the two nations had been at odds for as long as anyone could remember.   Karl Herwik tried explaining their situation and intentions as best he could, but the border patrol remained skeptical and somewhat confused as to why they were attempting to go the way they were going. The Helendrians reluctantly agreed to escort the migrating swarm of humans to the Bálivi wetland. They were concerned that if they denied entry to Herwik, he and his thousands of followers would cause far more trouble than they were worth.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    13 Vānsulrpēh
    1502 AA

    2 Ilisiaqteril

    Traversing the Wetland

    It took Herwik's Band well over two weeks to carefully traverse through the treacherous Bálivi wetlands. Many of their supplies were lost as carts and wagons sank down into the soft soil. Dozens of men, women, and children ended up going missing throughout those grueling weeks.   Hundreds more could have died there, were it not for the assistance of Vivernian scouts who had travelled through those lands before and who knew some of the local Rehenian tribes. Those connections spared the travellers from the devastating raids that could have occurred otherwise.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    5 Ilisiaqteril

    Claiming the Kláv
    Military action

    After their arduous journey through the wetlands, Herwik's Band reached the narrow isthmus that connected the Enlitic peninsula with the rest of the continent. The ground they were on was internationally recognized as a part of the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna, yet there were no patrols to greet them and the whole countryside appeared devastated. The ongoing civil war that had torn the country asunder as well as regular raids from the Rehenians had resulted in the area's depopulation, but all of that also presented Karl Herwik with an excellent opportunity.   While resting in the ruins of an old Enori town and discussing matters with the rest of his people, Karl announced that this war-torn land, a place he would refer to as the Kláv, would become a new home for his followers. All they needed to do was to finish off what was left of the Enori forces in the region in the nearby city of Valskaen.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    29 Ilisiaqteril

    Conquest of Valskaen
    Military action

    Upon arriving on the outskirt of Valskaen, Karl Herwik and his soldiers noticed how the city had fallen into disrepair. The main gates had already been breached in a previous battle and the local inhabitants had been too disorganised to do anything about it. All Herwik needed to do to claim victory was to march his armed forces through those gates and put an end to the anarchy that reigned within the city walls.   The local inhabitants were shocked to find themselves under attack from a foreign human army. As they saw Herwik’s men approach, some of them attempted to organise a resistance, but their fellow countrymen were too unruly and the few that dared stand up for their country perished after a quick fight. The locals only truly realized the gravity of the situation when Herwik declared that all its former inhabitants were banished from his lands and that their homes would instead house the noncombatants of Herwik's Band.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    30 Ilisiaqteril
    1502 AA

    16 Oceiaiteril

    Replacement of the Panedur in Valskaen
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the city of Valskaen under the control of Herwik's Band, the families of the soldiers and all the other noncombatants who served under Karl Herwik had finally a place to call home for the time being. The panedur that had inhabited those buildings previously were all forced out of the settlement. Most of them accepted their fate, choosing to move further east so that they could warn the other Enori of the attack. Some, however, were not as ready to accept defeat.   Groups of Enori civilians continued the fight on the streets, forcing Herwik’s army to stay stationed there for longer than they had hoped. It took several weeks before the last of the Enori had been captured and killed. With that, the city was finally safe for people to fill it with new life.   Most families had to share whatever house was provided to them with several other families and even so, not everyone ended up getting anything. It was clear that their army would have to clear more of the countryside and claim additional cities in the name of this new human civilisation.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    17 Tlealēlcpēh
    1502 AA

    20 Tlealēlcpēh

    Assault on Halikel
    Military: Battle

    Leaving behind a small garrison in Valskaen to protect his people as they repaired the gates, Karl Herwik took the rest of his forces east, following the same trail those who had fled from his army had gone. After a couple of weeks, he and his men had reached a river, and across it, the town of Halikel.   As they attempted to cross the bridge, Herwik’s forces encountered resistance from the local garrison, a small force of Enor soldiers who were far more capable than the civilian resistance that Herwik had to deal with previously.   The defending forces put up a valiant defense, repelling Herwik’s first offensive across the bridge. For the second assault, Karl Herwik decided to put his skilled vitality mages to good use. Trained in infiltration, those mages snuck into the settlement hours before the attack and, as the battle began, they used their powers to brutally assassinate the local leaders, causing confusion and panic among the soldiers. It was enough of an advantage for Herwik for his soldiers to overcome the defenders and to capture the settlement.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    20 Tlealēlcpēh

    Raid on Rinstá
    Military action

    Feeling threatened by their new human overlords and fearful of being forced to flee their homeland, groups of Enor across the countryside organised and armed themselves to strike back against their oppressors. With the bulk of Karl Herwik’s forces on their way towards Halikel, these rebels marched on the small village of Rinstá where Herwik’s forces were in the process of expelling the locals.   Outnumbered and taken by surprise, Herwik’s followers routed quickly and fled wherever they could. As the land was still new to them, many of the fleeing soldiers got lost and ended up captured by the rebels. Several dozen of them even fled north to unknown lands where the panedur refused to pursue them.   The conflict between Herwik’s forces and the local rebels became known as the Autumn War, although that name was coined decades later.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    22 Tlealēlcpēh

    Protecting the River
    Military action

    Following their successful capture of Halikel, Karl Herwik had hoped to press the advantage and to claim as much territory as possible for his own. Those plans were put on hold, however, when a scout bearing ill news from the east had arrived in town.   He warned of a host of men coming their way, describing the banners of this army as best he could. Unfortunately for Herwik, he nor anyone else there were knowledgeable in Enor heraldry and so they weren’t sure if they were dealing with the rebels or the main Enori army itself. Karl Herwik was also concerned that the two panedur factions might put their grievances aside to fight a common enemy, making Herwik’s war a far greater challenge than he had hoped for.   To prepare for battle, Herwik was forced to abandon the town he had just conquered, pulling all his men back over across the river. There, they readied themselves to repel their foes.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    26 Tlealēlcpēh

    Treaty of Halikel
    Diplomatic action

    Karl Herwik’s forces were eventually greeted by a diplomatic envoy who came seeking passage across the bridge. Karl allowed him through, curious as to what the Enori. had to say, and to his surprise, he was offered a great alternative to more bloodshed.   The envoy was speaking on behalf of the Enori rebels who had been in control of the region that Herwik's Band was ravaging. Fighting a war on two fronts was costing them dearly and so they sought to sign a peace treaty with Karl, hoping that ceding him the lands he had captured west of Halikel was enough to satiate his ambitions.   Karl Herwik understood how humiliating it must have been for the Enori rebels to surrender a portion of their realm. Just by proposing it, their support in the civil war they were waging would have taken a hit, which meant that without Herwik accepting it, they were already defeated. Karl was satisfied with the situation and he signed the treaty with glee. In exchange for his newly gained land, all he had to do was honour a truce for five years, but if the rebels were to fail anyway, there would be nothing to stop him from continuing the war against the legitimate government of the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna.

    Additional timelines
  • 1502 AA

    8 Kateaqteril
    1503 AA

    21 Tlealēlcpēh

    Pacification of the Countryside

    With a temporary peace in place between Herwik's Band and the Enori rebels, Karl Herwik moved his forces to deal with the locals that had been rising up to fight him. A quarter of his forces remained garrisoned on the eastern border to monitor the civil war.   The bloody process of pacifying the countryside and expelling the local populace took nearly a year until the resistance cracked and their morale was utterly crushed. Prominent rebel leaders were crucified across the countryside and the remaining panedur were forced to accept their fate and they migrated eastwards to the war-torn United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna.

    Additional timelines
  • 1503 AA

    12 Iqtīlapoiteril

    Continuation of Hostilities
    Military action

    Horrified after hearing tales of what was happening in the lands that Karl Herwik had occupied, the armies loyal to the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna marched west. After pushing through rebel held territories, their forces met Herwik’s men in Halikel.   The human were well entrenched on the western banks of the river, but the panedur greatly outnumbered them. The following battle would be the largest in the conflict and it resulted in a decisive victory for Herwik's Band, giving them the opportunity they needed to press their advantage and advance.

    Additional timelines
  • 1504 AA

    2 Ilisiaqteril

    Last Stand of the Enori
    Military action

    The forces of the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna were is disarray following their defeat at Halikel. Karl Herwik’s forces spread out throughout the countryside, hunting down their enemies while sacking villages and forcing their inhabitants to flee in terror. Not even those who lived on the islands were spared from the horrors of war. Vivernian vessels helped carry soldiers across to Nuil and after a brief struggle, the islanders surrendered and swore to abandon the land and sail south.   Only in the mountain did the Enori survive, but even there, most of their holdouts failed, eventually. By the middle of 1502, all that was left was Bårmokk. Karl Herwik led his forces there personally, hoping to wipe the Enori off the map for good. Unfortunately for his forces, however, they were in no position to keep on fighting. The locals were masters of their terrain, and the campaign had worn Herwik’s soldiers out. Most of them wanted to return to their families so that they could begin a new life and dying right at the end of their conquest didn’t seem all too appealing.   When it became clear that his men were done, Herwik was forced to pull his soldiers away from Bårmokk. Rather than sending an army to siege the settlement, he instead sent a message of peace.

    Additional timelines
  • 1504 AA

    6 Ilisiaqteril

    Treaty of the Kláv
    Diplomatic action

    The United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna had suffered a humiliating defeat. Most of their realm was gone, and their people were in turmoil. As much as they hated Karl Herwik and his followers, they were forced to accept their terms for peace. Enor would survive, although crippled with wounds too great to heal. The surviving panedur were allowed safe passage to the beaten kingdom's remaining lands and the Enori in return were forced to accept Karl Herwik as King of Enliten and Lord of the East.   After signing the treaty, the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna was born anew as the Kingdom of Enor, as the old lands of the Kingdom of Puhna had fallen to the humans.

    Additional timelines

Reign of King Karl the Conqueror

1504 AA 1548 AA

  • 1504 AA

    2 Ilisiaqteril

    Last Stand of the Enori
    Military action

    The forces of the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna were is disarray following their defeat at Halikel. Karl Herwik’s forces spread out throughout the countryside, hunting down their enemies while sacking villages and forcing their inhabitants to flee in terror. Not even those who lived on the islands were spared from the horrors of war. Vivernian vessels helped carry soldiers across to Nuil and after a brief struggle, the islanders surrendered and swore to abandon the land and sail south.   Only in the mountain did the Enori survive, but even there, most of their holdouts failed, eventually. By the middle of 1502, all that was left was Bårmokk. Karl Herwik led his forces there personally, hoping to wipe the Enori off the map for good. Unfortunately for his forces, however, they were in no position to keep on fighting. The locals were masters of their terrain, and the campaign had worn Herwik’s soldiers out. Most of them wanted to return to their families so that they could begin a new life and dying right at the end of their conquest didn’t seem all too appealing.   When it became clear that his men were done, Herwik was forced to pull his soldiers away from Bårmokk. Rather than sending an army to siege the settlement, he instead sent a message of peace.

    Additional timelines
  • 1504 AA

    6 Ilisiaqteril

    Treaty of the Kláv
    Diplomatic action

    The United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna had suffered a humiliating defeat. Most of their realm was gone, and their people were in turmoil. As much as they hated Karl Herwik and his followers, they were forced to accept their terms for peace. Enor would survive, although crippled with wounds too great to heal. The surviving panedur were allowed safe passage to the beaten kingdom's remaining lands and the Enori in return were forced to accept Karl Herwik as King of Enliten and Lord of the East.   After signing the treaty, the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna was born anew as the Kingdom of Enor, as the old lands of the Kingdom of Puhna had fallen to the humans.

    Additional timelines
  • 1505 AA

    1 Gileiqteril

    Move to Lotwerstá
    Political event

    Karl Herwik toured his new realm once the Treaty of the Kláv had been signed to figure where his family's seat of power could lie. The main candidates were Valskaen, Trotlí and Lotwerstá. The first option, was of course, significant as it was the first major settlement he and his people had conquered, but to Herwik the settlement was not central enough. Trotlí was a more fitting candidate, and it had been the capital of the United Kingdom of Enor and Puhna, but Karl Herwik ended up choosing in favour of Lotwerstá as it was closer to the Republic of Vivernia, but still located in the heart of the country.

    Additional timelines
  • 1548 AA

    3 Oceiaiteril

    Death of Karl Herwik
    Life, Death

    Karl Herwik, the great founding father of the Kingdom of Enliten, passed away peacefully at the age of 81. The news came as a shocking surprise to most of the young nation’s residents as those who had followed him during the conquest had deep ties to him and even those who had arrived afterwards viewed him as a towering god who had shaped a land in his own vision.   The death of the monarch brought upon a time of brief uncertainty before his son and heir, Róge, could prove to his people that he was as capable as his father.

    Additional timelines

Reign of King Róge I

1548 AA 1562 AA

  • 1548 AA

    3 Oceiaiteril

    Death of Karl Herwik
    Life, Death

    Karl Herwik, the great founding father of the Kingdom of Enliten, passed away peacefully at the age of 81. The news came as a shocking surprise to most of the young nation’s residents as those who had followed him during the conquest had deep ties to him and even those who had arrived afterwards viewed him as a towering god who had shaped a land in his own vision.   The death of the monarch brought upon a time of brief uncertainty before his son and heir, Róge, could prove to his people that he was as capable as his father.

    Additional timelines


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Mar 29, 2023 23:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The military section with the garrisons is so good! And I love the little timeline of the rulers too. Really intriguing article that makes me want to learn more. :D

Mar 30, 2023 06:24 by Mihkel Rand

Thanks for reading and commenting Emy! The Northern Garrison in the military section plays a pretty significant role in a book I keep attempting to write so it was fun to include it there. The main character of that in in the Retervaal militia.   There will definitely be more content about this country out soon. It's the first country I ever wrote about in Lethea and when I made the original map I started from here as well. The old article for this was just history so I'll have to sprinkle some of that in character and conflict articles and I'm hoping to update this article with a good timeline as well in the future.

Creator of Lethea and Pekkola

Maker of Maps
Mar 30, 2023 09:29 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Books are hard. XD   Looking forward to more about this country! :)

Apr 1, 2023 20:49

Really like the way you do countries, Dhel. Always such a neat, informative package that is easy to read and grasp. The Css is great and the maps...don't really need to say anything there, do I? Either way, great work and I'll be keeping an eye out for more.

Apr 2, 2023 17:40 by Mihkel Rand

Thanks Dark! More stuff will hopefully come soon! I've already done a good amount of work on this country's timeline while also mapping out the royal family.

Creator of Lethea and Pekkola

Maker of Maps
Aug 26, 2023 03:27 by Dimitris Havlidis

I have already liked it before but I just wanted to say thumbs up on the extra shiny!

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