Federal State of Alinhas

What others discard, we care for and turn into something greater. Our strength comes from valuing everyone's right to live and to make a name for themselves.
— Edgars, Volis of Aunas
  Alinhas, officially the Federal State of Alinhas, is a sovereign state in the southern region of Lethea. The country is ruled by a triumvirate of powerful and wise mages, each from one of the three states, Vesis, Aunas, and Heinas. The population of the country is mostly Alinhasian with also a significant minority of Einasi and a few other ethnic groups.   The largest city and the capital of the Federal State of Alinhas, is Lieti. The country's other major cities are Last Hope, Heinas, and Blackstone.  


Alinhas is ruled by the Volisis — a triumvirate of mages who hold absolute power over all state affairs. These great overlords are elected by regional councils roughly a month after the funeral of the previous representative from that region. A Volis is ideally supposed to be the best their region has to offer. They must compromise with their counterparts in a civil manner, always remembering to keep their three primary responsibilities in balance. They must serve their home region's interests, keep the federal state united, and serve as an example to all who seek to follow in their footsteps.   In reality, the situation isn't quite as idealistic. The three regions often select their representatives from a small, tight-knit group of well-connected mages, leaving far more capable individuals out of the process in favour of the political elite. Rather than being exceptional role models for the country's youth, many of them end up in wild scandals, often involving allegations of corruption, debauchery, or other displays of incompetence.  

Federal Regions

Before the country was united under the same flag, three major powers dominated the territories inhabited by the Alinhasian people. The wildest of the regions, Heinas, controlled the northeastern highlands and forests. To their south was Vesis, a land of merchants and mercenaries that was regularly forced to defend their people from their northern neighbour. While the two powers contested over the region, a third power gathered its strength in the west.   Aunas, the borderland that guarded the rest against an endless stream of migration from the Rahigina, had fortified their borders and established themselves as a strong country capable of great deeds. Eventually, when both their neighbours had suffered tremendous losses fighting against one another, the forces of Aunas swept in, toppling the governments of Heinas and Vesis, giving birth to a new united Alinhas. Despite their best efforts to stabilize the country, regional identities remain strong, and the three groups of people are distrustful of each other.

List of Districts in Aunas
Administrative Division Population Status
Lieti - Urban District
Gēldis - Rural District
Iesu - Rural District
Nelsgara - Rural District
Litē - Rural District
Vatūja - Rural District
Lower Aunas - Rural District
Upper Aunas - Rural District
Jergis - Rural District
Rojalisis - Rural District
Marsia - Rural District
Tārsis - Rural District
Ralmingauda - Rural District

List of Districts in Heinas
Administrative Division Population Status
Heinas - Urban District
Belika - Rural District
Karjesi - Rural District
Lovinje - Rural District
Anespē - Rural District
Riakas - Rural District
Kanispēdeia - Rural District

List of Districts in Vesis
Administrative Division Population Status
Vīja - Urban District
Valnusis - Rural District
Velkauda - Rural District
Lower Vesis - Rural District
Torisa - Rural District
Tilnisis - Rural District


You can't just go around talking about whatever's on your mind. We all know what you're thinking — we've got the same ideas. It's just that our benevolent overlords would prefer us to keep our complaints to ourselves.
— Voldemars of Heinas

Federalists & Regionalists

The divide between the federalists and regionalists has defined the political landscape of the country. Everyone is somewhere on that scale, whether they wish for a stronger union, more autonomy, or just the continuation of the status quo. The government itself mostly consists of federalists, but there's also a minority of centrists and moderate regionalists.   Not all on the regionalist side of the spectrum are content with increased autonomy. There are some who wish to break free from the chains that bind their region to Alinhas. Such separatists want to fight a war for their independence. The federal government persecutes these extremists as they are considered a severe threat to the existence of the country itself.   Radical federalists, on the other hand, wish to further the process of integration. They believe that a strong and stable unitary state could achieve far greater things. Although not officially targeted by the authorities, these extremists are still ridiculed as traitors to the federalist cause by those moderates who wish for a peaceful union between the three distinct regions. Radical federalists are often called unitarianists by the other federalists, but most regionalists and even some of the centrists insist on associating them with the federalists.


The Federal State of Alinhas uses a small elite force to maintain order and to suppress dissidents. Much to the chagrin of the unitarianists who would like them disbanded, each region is allowed to maintain a small army so that they can defend their borders. In case of impending war or other large-scale emergencies, the federal government will have the right to order the regions to put together a larger army, but those armies will be under the command of loyal federalists instead of their local leaders.  
  In addition to their small standing army, the Alinhasians are also known for their naval prowess. They use their large fleet to protect merchants along the Cinnamon Circle, ensuring that goods from abroad can circulate along the Great Gulf, bringing wealth and prosperity to the Alinhasian people.   Due to close relations with the nearby Aristocratic Republic of Rueken, the two powers are often cooperating to eliminate piracy and other illegal activities in the region.

Tolerance of Vitality Mages

While most countries concider Vitality Mages dangerous and unreliable, the Alinhasians disagree with the notion. Their army utilizes small units of elite vitaemancers called a Mētia Arīsi. Such units are used to hunt down enemy leaders on the field of battle, severing the head of the hostile army.


Alminthian flag
The flag of Alinhas has three blue eight-sided stars on a golden background and to the right of that, three blue horizontal lines on a white background. The three eight-sided stars represent the three states that the country is divided into, and the eight-sided star is a symbol for mankind. The blue lines represent the three largest and most important rivers that flow through the country; Aunas, Vesis, and Nelsis, and the white lines are for the great cities of Lieti and Heinas. The golden background represents the fertile wheat fields of Kanispēdeia.    


Located in an area where the temperate civilised lands of the South meet the hostile climate of the West, the demographics of Alinhas have been significantly affected by the large-scale migrations that occurred over the ages. Eventually, those different groups who settled the land slowly grew into the Alinhasian people now present there today. Traces of their previous cultures and languages can be found in regional traditions and dialects.

Tribal Peoples

Along the borders of the country and in the forests and hills of Heinas live the Einari, Lorati, and the Tarolians. Their people have always lived in tribal societies, resisting the feudalism that their Alinhasian neighbours adopted. Back before the three regions merged to one, some of these tribal people enjoyed special privileges that allowed them to continue living as their ancestors had, but the new federal government disapproved of such backwards ways.   Under the rule of the federal state, these tribal minorities were forced to relinquish their old rights. New laws were enacted, forcing many to emigrate or to adapt to the new order, but not all of them were as complacent as the Alinhasians had hoped.   The Einasi, a people who were once treated equally under the flag of Heinas, chose to resist. They struck out against federal forces from their hideouts in the hills and woods. The local populace was initially supportive of them — offering their fighters food, clothes, and other necessary supplies. That all changed when the federal army began to target civilians who were suspected of collaborating with such treasonous groups and individuals. Those loyal to the state were greatly rewarded for turning on their neighbours if they heard anything suspicious.   Eventually, the Einasi fighters had lost all the support they could get from the general populace, severely demoralizing them. Most had given up hope soon after, but a few groups still remain, keeping the fires of freedom burning.

Species Percentage
Humans 98%
Panedur 1%
Others 1%
Ethnicity Percentage
Alinhasian 75%
Einasi 10%
Lorati 6%
Tarolians 3%
Ruekish 2%
Others 4%
Religion Percentage
Baglamists 69%
Hillenists 24%
Khetmeratists 2%
Others 3%
Irreligious 2%
Location of Alminthas
Founding Date
1444 AA
Geopolitical, Magocracy
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Market economy
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

Land area
81,715 mi²

Military (WIP)

Active Personnel
0% of Pop.
Active Units


Federal Guard
General Manpower Units
- - -
Name Type Tier


Military Allies

The Federal State of Alinhas is one of the founding members of the Baglamist Security Union, a military alliance between several Baglamist states.   The security union was founded to unite Alinhas with their fellow Baglamists over in the Aristocratic Republic of Rueken in case they were attacked for their religious convictions. The primary threat to their alliance is the Lipsig Treaty Organisation.
Mētia Arīsi
Military Formation | Mar 1, 2020

Mētia Arīsi are elite Alminthian units of vitality mages who demoralise their enemy and assassinate their leaders.

Baglāmēq Hūril
Organization | Aug 1, 2023

Baglamism is the second-largest branch of the Aprēan religion. Followers of the faith believe in the teachings of Tīr Bāglam, a mysterious man who sought to reform Hillenism.

Species | Jul 5, 2023

The Lahtasi are a race of humans that live along the shores of the Great Gulf and they're known for their entrepreneurial people and their tolerance.

The Magocracy of Alminthas

Cover image: by Max
  • 1444 AA

    14 Oceiaiteril

    Formation of the Federal State
    Political event

    After asserting their authority over the Grand Duchy of Heinas and the Free State of Vesis in the brief Alminthian Unification War, the Magocracy of Aunas created a new Code of Federal Laws, formally uniting the three states into the new Federal State of Alminthas.

    Additional timelines
  • 1447 AA

    1 Gileiqteril

    Enforcement of Baglamism
    Religious event

    Since both Aunas and Vesis already had Baglamism as their state religion, the federal government declares the faith the state religion of the entire federation, greatly upsetting the Hillenists in Heinas.

    Additional timelines
  • 1456 AA

    27 Tielaqteril

    Revocation of Tribal Rights
    Political event

    In an attempt to bring the tribal peoples of the federal state into their feudal society, the Alminthians revoked the special privileges that the tribesmen had enjoyed previously. The move significantly affected the Einasi people over in the Heinas region.

    Additional timelines
  • 1457 AA

    4 Kateaqteril

    Start of the Heinasi Uprising
    Military action

    Unwilling to let the federal government ruin their ways of life, the Einasi armed themselves and hid in the hills. From their hidden bases they raided and harassed federal forces, thus starting the Heinasi Uprising.

    Additional timelines
  • 1457 AA

    27 Ailelpēh

    Start of the Belika Revolt
    Military action

    After the Einasi tribesmen had achieved several crucial victories against the forces fo the Federal State of Alminthas, many of the Hillenistic Alminthians in the region joined the fight against the state, hoping to liberate the Grand Duchy of Heinas from heretical rulers. Most of their forces joined the other rebels who were present in the Belika forest.

    Additional timelines
  • 1458 AA

    27 Gihppēh

    Inquisitor's Intervention
    Military action

    The Inquisition of Athe came in defence of their fellow Hillenists along with a few units from the Knights of Saint Brent. With their assistance, the rebels were able to win a major battle against the federalists. With the situation looking in their favour, the entire region of Heinas declared its independence, escalating the war even further.

    Additional timelines
  • 1458 AA

    11 Ilisiaqteril

    Alminthas Threatens Athe
    Political event

    The Federal State of Alminthas moved a portion of its army toward its northern border to send a message to the Theocracy of Athe. The Knights of Saint Brent were forced to pull all their forces back in order to protect the holy land from the enemy army in case they were to invade. A few elite squads of Inquisitors remained, but nowhere nearly enough to stop a large-scale assault against the rebels' hideouts.

    Additional timelines
  • 1460 AA

    18 Tlealēlcpēh

    Scouring of the Belika
    Military action

    The armies of Alminthas, together with mercenaries from the nearby Kingdom of Zvenor, swept through the Belika. They hunted down hideout after hideout, using a mixture of skilful spies and local collaborators to locate the rebels. With the bulk of the rebel forces defeated, the temporary government of Heinas and many of the leaders of the uprising surrendered.

    Additional timelines
  • 1539 AA

    10 Tlealēlcpēh

    Creation of the Baglamist Security Union
    Diplomatic action

    The Federal State of Alminthas and the Aristocratic Republic of Rükenland created a military alliance in order to guarantee each other's independence and to protect the Baglamist faith from foreign influences. The two countries had considered accepting the Peasants' Republic of Aussel into the alliance as they were led by a pro-Baglamist faction at the time, but the Hillenist coup that toppled the old government there in 1540 AA put an end to those considerations.

    Additional timelines


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